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생활정보, 최신정보, 유머, 홈 리빙/Tips For Global

유용한 영어 프리젠테이션 표현 총정리 ver.1

by Moonshot Luxury 2023. 9. 26.


< 인사하고 소개하기.>


1. 감사인사 하기

Thank you for ~.

Thank you for taking time off from your busy schedule to be with us today.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to address you today.

Thank you for the wonderful introduction.

It's an honor to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience.

Thank you for being with us.


2. 자기소개 하기

My name is ~, and I'm in charge of ~.

I am in charge of corporate finance at our headquarters.

I am in charge of running this exhibition.

I am in charge of the special project teams at S Motors.

I am responsible for ~

I work for


3.발표 목적 말하기

The purpose of this presentation is ~.


4.발표 주제 소개하기.

The subject of my presentation is ~.

The subject of my presentation is advertising strategies.

The subject of my presentation is how to improve our productivity.

The subject of my presen

I'd like to talk about ~.

I'm going to talk about ~.

I am going to talk about the importance of developing lower priced brand.

I am going to present a new theory in semiconductor engineering.

I am going to brief you on the origins of the computer industry.

I am delighted to introduce our new product

I am honored to have the opportunity to introduce our new product.






<개요 전달하기 & 발표시간 안내하기>


1. 발표를 시작하는 발언

I'll begin by ~.

I will begin by giving you a brief outline of my talk.

I will begin by giving you an overview of today's market situation.

I will begin by giving you a few observations.

I will begin by bringing you up-to-date on the latest findings on consumer behavior.

I'm going to start with the background to my downsizing proposal.

Then I will go on to talk about some strategies to win back our market.


2. 발표의 개요 말하기

My presentation can be divided into~.

My presentation can be divided into four subjects.

My presentation can be looked at under the following topics.

My presentation can be broken down into the following headings.

I have separated my presentation into the following headings.


3. 소주제 말하기

1) 소주제가 2 개일 때

  - One is ~, the other is~. / First is ~, last is~.

2) 소주제가 3 개일 때

  - First ~, next ~, and then ~.

  - Firstly ~, then ~, finally ~.

  - Firstly ~, secondly ~, lastly ~.

3) 소주제가 4 개일 때

  - First ~, second ~, third ~, last ~.

  - The first item is~, the second~, the third~, the last.

*단계 설명시 : There are three stages involved.


4. 발표 시간을 안내할 때

My presentation will take about twenty minutes.

My presentation will take only 10 minutes of your time.

My presentation will take about 15 minutes.

My presentation will take about one hour, but there will be a ten-minute break in the middle.

Refreshments will be provided for you during the break.(휴식시간에는 간단한 다과와 음료가 제공될 것입니다.)


5. 질의 응답

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them.

Please feel free to ask any questions.

Please feel free to ask questions as we go along.

If you have any questions about this topic, feel free to ask me.

Please interrupt me at any time if you have any questions.

Please do not hesitate to ask any questions.


6. 질의 응답 2

There will be time for questions at the end.

After my presentation, there will be time for questions.

There will be a question-and-answer session after the presentation.

After my presentation, there will be time for questions, which will last 10 minutes.

I will be happy to answer any questions at the end of my talk.

I will try to answer all of your questions after the presentation.





<효과적인 표현으로 발표 시작하기.>


1. 자신의 입장에서 생각하게 하기.

How would you like to ~?

How would you like to launch your own business?


2. 청중의 생각 자극하기.

Consider for a moment ~.

Well, consider for a moment where the recent fashion trend is headed.

Think for a moment about the positive reactions to our new plan.

Give some thought to the differences between the new product and the old one.


3. 경험을 상기시키기.

Have you ever been in a situation in which~?

Have you ever wondered how the company over come the obstacles?

Have you ever thought about the interests of our customers?

Have you ever wondered why the King's Jester reaped such a spectacular success?

*reap: 노력의 결실로 성공을 거두다는 의미도 있음.


4. 신뢰성 있는 자료 이용하기.

Statistics show that ~?

Statistics show that Korea is ranked fifth in output per hour of work in the world.

Official statistics show the GDP of our country has been declining by 2% a year.

How many people here realize that even the Internet cannot be immune to censorship?


5. 놀랄 만한 사실 언급하기.

How many people here realize that ~?

How many people here realize that even the Internet cannot be immune to censorship?

How many of you realize that a lot of people take regular supplements everyday?



6. 청중의 궁금증 유발하기.

Have you ever wondered ~?

Have you ever been in a situation in which you should solve a problem by yourself?

Have you ever been in a situation where you have had to negotiate with the Germans?




<발표 진행하기>


1. 발표 시작하기

Let's start with ~.

Let's start with the latest development in office technology.

Let's begin by making a few observations about our sales forecast.

Let's kick off by taking a look at the recent boom in DMB phones.


2. 다른 항목으로 넘어가기

1) ~으로 넘어갑시다. : Let's move to ~.

Let's move to the problem of working with international laborers.

Let's turn now to the results of our efforts so far.

Let's direct our attention to the end-of-the-year sales figures.

Let's pay attention to the latest findings of the market research.


2) ~으로 넘어가서 ...에 대해 말씀드리겠습니다. : Moving on to ~, I'd say...

Moving on to the question of the US market, I would say that the prospect is not encouraging.

Moving on to the earnings in the third quarter, we see theat our sales got back on track.


3. 화제에서 벗어난 얘기를 할 때,

To digress for a moment, let's consider~.

To digreess a little bit, let me briefly explain the different explain the different processes between branding and advertising.

If you allow me to digress for a moment, let us talk about all the options we have.

Digressing for a moment, let us talk about all the options we have.

Digressing for a moment, I want to talk about the problems resulting from downsizing our organization.

Let us pause for a moment here, and let us be reminded of our company's policy on bad debt.


4. 주제로 복귀하기

Let's go back to the issue of ~.

Going back to the question of restructuring, I would say that we have no choice.


5. 결과 말하기

That leads us to understand ~.

Then we come to the issue of training our employees.




<시각자료 소개하기>


1. 시각자료 소개하기.

I have some charts to show you.

Why don't we look at the bar graphs.

Let's take a look at the graph, which shows the sales figures of overseas subsidiaries.

Let me illustrate this point with some figures.

Let me illustrate/explain/elaborate this point with some statistical data.

I prepared flow charts to explain this point in detail.

I have some graphs which will help you to understand his plan.

I'd like to show you the bar graph, which shows the sales figures during the second quarter according to age groups.

*pie chart : 원형 그래프

I have prepared some visuals which will clearly show you what is going on in our overseas markets.


2. 가독성 확인하기.

Can you see that?


3. 자료에 주목시키기.

I'd like us to focus on this bar graph.

I'd like us to concentrate on the figure in this box.

I'd like us to pay attention to the consumption of milk in 2005.

I'd like to draw your attention to this organization chart.

The recent sales figures need our attention.


4. 자료 분석하기.

Looking at this graph, we see that ~.

Looking at this graph, we see that we have spent more money on training than on R&D for last three years.

Looking at this diagram, we see how the product is delievered to our customers.

If you take a look at this graph, you will see ~.

If you take a look at this graph, you will se there has been a slight increase in the advertisement budget.

As you can see from the graph, there has been ~.

As you can see from this chart, there has been a considerable rise in workers' salaries.

As you can see from this graph, the average age of our workforce has been getting younger and younger over the years.

As you can see from this pie chart, our profit margin takes up a very small portion.

As you can see from this table, the changes in the weather patterns are due to the greenhouse effect.



5. 자료를 통해 주장하기.

However you try to explain it, this graph tells ~.(어떻게 설명하든 간에 이 그래프는 ~)

However you try to explain it, this chart tells us that we have failed.

However you try to explain it, this chart demonstrates that we will fail unless we keep our prices low.

However you try to explain it, the fact is that our sales have gone down over the years.

However you try to explain it, the graph shows that our production has flattened for three years in a row.

Whatever the reason for this, it can not account for our low productivity.

Whichever way you look at it, the fact is that our turnover has not risen.


6. 그래프 종류별 설명

1) Bar graph

On the vertical axis(세로축), you see the amount of investment we have made, while on the horizontal axis(가로축), we see the year in which we invested the money.

2) Line graph

The dotted line(점선) represents profits while the solid line(실선) stands for total costs.

3) Pie chart

In this pie chart we have the total consumption of milk with each segment(각 부분) representing the top five brands in Korea.

4) Table

In the rows(가로줄에는) we have the yearly consumption of oil energy per capita(1인당) for each country. In the columns(세로줄에는) we have the different years.

5) Flow chart

The upper half of the chart(차트의 상반부는) constitutes the process of setting up a meeting. And the lower half of the chart(차트의 하반부는) is the process of arranging a date for meeting.







<시각자료 분석하기 1>


1. 증가

Our production has increased/risen/gone up/grown over the years.

Our production has been on the rise.

Our production has grown for the first time(처음으로) since the IMF Period.

Our export figures have expanded gradually.


2. 감소

Profitability has decreased/fallen/declined/gone down/shrunk by 10%.

Profitability has been on the decline.

The domestic market has shrunk significantly.

The bank's net profits plunged 71% last year.

Sales have declined for last two months.

Shares have slumped from $25 to $12.(주식이 25달러에서 12달러로 곤두박질 쳤습니다.

Chicken stocks have lost roughly 100 points since the outbreak of bird flu.

조류독감 발병 이후 치킨 관련 주식이 거의 100포인트 빠졌습니다.


3. 급상승

The company's profits shot up by 30%. (회사 수익이 30%로 급상승 했습니다.)

There has been rapid growth in the advertising industry.

There was a dramatic increase in heating-oil consumption last winter due to record-breaking, cold temperature. (전례 없는 추위로 인해 지난겨울에 난방유의 소비가 급증했습니다.)


4. 약간의 증감

There has been a slight increase[decrease] in ~.

There has been a slight gain in our market share.

There has been a slight decrease in our GDP by 0.01%

There has been a slight fall of take-home sales figures.


5. 급락

Shares have slumped.


6. 안정된 상태

Sales have remained steady.

The government move will stabilize property prices. (정부의 조치가 부동산 가격을 안정시킬 것입니다.)

Exchange rates will soon be stabilized.

Everybody wants the stabilization of oil prices.

The IMF relief fund will have a stabilizing effect on the economy.

We must maintain the status quo for the time being.(우리는 당분간 현상유지를 해야만 합니다.)


7. 불안정한 상태

The Kospi has been fluctuating.(주가가 요동치고 있습니다.)

We have witnessed an unexpected dip in the stock market.

우리는 주식시장에서 예상치 못한 주가하락을 목격했습니다.

It is difficult to fix the price because of the constantly fluctuating price of crude oil.

The fluctuation in the price should be taken into consideration.

The Dow Jones index shows the ups and downs of the market during the war period.

Over the last few years, we have seen the popularity of our products take a roller-coaster ride.



8. 회복된 상태

Our sales have completely recovered.

The stock market index has gradually begun to recover.

Interest rate cuts have failed to bring about economic recovery in our country.

In many sectors of the economy, the recovery has starter.

Our export sales have slowly picked up.

The stock market will improve by summer.



*substantial, considerable : 상당한

*slight : 약간의, 근소한.

*in a row : 한 줄로, 연속적으로 / In rows : 여러 줄로, 열을 지어서

*with regard to : ~와 관련하여

*spate : 많은





<시각자료 분석하기 2>


1. 이상

The profitability is (well/just/slightly) over our expectations.


2. 이하

The turnover is below our expectations.

*under being directly lower / below being on a lower level


3. 최고

Our profitability reached its peak last month.

The price of oil reached a new high last week.

Unemployment peaked at 6.2%.


4. 대략 / 부근

~ costs fall somewhere between 500 and 600 dollars.

Our total costs for this month are expected to be somewhere between 50,000 and 60,000 dollars.

*동의어 : about / around / approximately / roughly

The project will cost in the region of 10 million dollars.


5. 최저

Inflation rates reached their bottom last month.

Housing prices bottomed out.

We expect sales figures in health food to bottom out.


6. 초과

The demand for organic foods exceeds the supply.

*동의어 : be more than, be greater than

These findings are based on a survey of more than 1,500 customers.


7. 부족

Our turnover is just short of 2 million dollars.

We are still one million dollars short of our target.

This investment has left our company short of money.

The company fell short of its sales goal last month.

The targeted gross margin for the first year is a little less than 2 million dollars.

The sudden increase in population has resulted in a shortage of housing.


*in the region of : ~ 부근에

*original projection : 초기 예측

*break-even : 수입액과 지출액이 맞먹는 / break-even point : 손익분기점

We can break even with a sales level of somewhere between 1 and 2.

1에서 2 부근의 판매량이면 손익분기점이 맞습니다.




<효과적인 발표화법>


1. 일반화

The procedure is generally easy to follow.

그 절차는 대체로 따르기 쉽습니다.

As a general rule, our new marketing strategies have had a positive effect on sales revenues.

In general / On the whole


2. 인과

Costs rose steadily. So, our profits fell.

비용이 꾸준히 증가했습니다. 그래서 이윤이 떨어졌지요.

We always tried to listen to our customers. So, we could develop a product which satisfies them.

We worked very hard. As a result, we could maintain our reputation as the market leader.

Costs rose steadily for the fifth year running. That's why, our profits fell.

Sales are up thanks to our spending more on advertising.



3. 유사점 들기

A moved to Jeju Island to cut costs. Similarly, we need to~.

See how they have recruited workers in the labor market. Now it is time for us to do similarly.

in the same way 마찬가지로, likewise 마찬가지로


4. 대조

Everybody said that it was impossible, but we made it anyway.

모든 사람들이 불가능하다고 했습니다. 그러나 우리는 결국 해냈습니다.

The competition in the cosmetics market was very fierce last year. Our sales revenues, however, have increased de to our sophisticated designs and low prices.


5. 반전

We want to believe that we're still number one. In fact, we're nowhere.

우리는 우리가 여전히 업계 최고라고 믿고 싶어합니다. 사실은 그 근처에도 못 가지요.

People said that there was no chance for us whatsoever(whatever의 강조). As a matter of fact, there is still a chance for us

In effect 사실상 / actually


6. 예시 들기

There are some things to consider in launching ~, for example/for instance, the location of the shop.

~을 시작하려면 고려해야 할 것들이 있습니다. 예를 들면, 가게의 위치이죠.

For example, / A good example of this is / As an illustration, / To give you an example,...

To illustrate this point... 



<효과적인 표현으로 발표하기>


1. 덧붙이기

Plus, we have the advantage of technology.

Above all, we need renovations. 무엇보다도

What's more, the economic situation in Japan is gradually recovering. 더군다나

In addition, we don't have any funds available.

In particular, we need to invest in our employees. 특히,

On top of that, the birth rate of our country has been gradually decreasing. 

Moreover, M&As in the banking industry have been continuing.


2. 근거 제시하기

Based on extensive research, I would argue~.

This plan has been created on the basis of five years of market research.


3. 출처 말하기

According to the business plan, gross margin will increase ~.

I quote our CEO as saying that we will in crease the promotion budget by 20%.


4. 완곡하게 주장하기

It seems we'll have to delay the delivery.

It seems that we need to look for ways to compromise.

Linda seems to have many ideas about investing our money.

There appears to be increasing support for the new project.

I tend to think we should stop investing now.

Some other possibilities might be worth considering.

다른 가능성도 고려해 볼 만 합니다.


완곡한 표현들

실질적 의미 완곡 표현
industrial espionage 산업스파이 활동 competitor analysis 경쟁 업체 분석
tax evasion 세금 포탈 income protection 수입 보호
secretary 비서 personal assistant 개인 도우미
administrative assistant 행정 도우미
Presenting oneself or one's product
in the best possible light
선전 활동
public relations 홍보 활동
money lending 돈을 꿔주기 financial services 금융 서비스
a part of the economy consisting of money that has been earned but on which, illegally, no tax has been paid
세금을 내지 않는 불법 경제 활동
black economy 지하 경제
money resources / funds / finances
재원 / 기금 / 재정, 재력 - 금융
unemployed 실직한 between jobs 직업을 구하고 있는 중
relieve someone of their duties / someone's services are no longer required
~을 해임하다, ~의 일이 더 이상 필요하지 않다, ~를 해고하다.
early retirement 조기 퇴직
losing money 돈을 잃는 것 a temporary cash-flow problem
단기적인 현금 유동성 문제
bankrupt 파산한 fold / go under / close its doors
그만두다, 문을 닫다
Economic contration may not seem so serious
경제 불황이 그리 심각하지는 않다.
negative growth 마이너스 성장.





5. 문제 제기하기

The issue here is how to~.

The issue / question / problem / thing here is how to prod members to make a greater effort.


6. 내용 완화하기

Our reputation in the market is not very encouraging.

The CEO is going to be furious. → The CEO isn't going to be very happy.

Your offer is much too expensive → Your offer is not as low as we had expected.

We're going to reduce our workforce a bit/a little.

To some extent, it is true 어느 정도까지는

Perhaps we should consider resigning.

all in all(대체로), Just about(그럭저럭, 겨우), rather(다소), probably(아마도)


*compromise 타협하여 처리하다, 절충하다.

*execute / carry out 실행하다.

*As things stand, we can't pay off all of our bank loans. 상황이 이대로 라면,

*At the most, we can make barely enough money to buy raw materials from overseas markets.


*At least : 적어도

*In other words : 바꿔 말하면

*At any rate : 어쨌든

*As a last resort : 최후의 수단으로

*As a direct result : 그 직접적인 영향으로

*Under the right conditions : 상황만 좋으면

*How these figures vary over time : 이 수치가 시간에 따라 어떻게 변하는 지.




<효과적인 표현으로 발표하기2>


1. 관련성 나타내기

Increased production is closely related to ~.

There is a connection between A and B.

Our success has to do with our R&D budget, which has increased every year.


2. 목표 달성 방안 말하기

We can make/reach/acheive/attain our goal if~.

Our recommendation is that we have to turn to niche marketing.

My suggestion is that we need to test the market before launching our product.


3. 구체적으로 말하기

We will increase our budget, to be more specific, the money for~.

We need to specifically target female consumers.

When we select a new server management company, we particularly consider experience in the industry and price.


4. 장단점 말하기

The strength of our product includes its cheap price; the only weakness is its design.

We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of setting up a new company.

We can debate the merits and demerits of this business plan.

The pros and cons of this project will be debated at a meeting.

*the pluses and the minuses(득과 실), profit and loss(수익과 손실)


5. 의견 강하게 말하기

I argue that we have to~.

I maintain that this new product will give us a chance to be a market leader.

I affirm that we need to secure the funds right away.


6. 차별점 부각시키기

What differentiates A from B is ~.

What sets this digital camera apart from other similar products is that it is waterproof.

What makes our product distinguishable from others is its user-friendly design concept.

Cyberspace makes it difficult to differentiate between the imaginative world and the real world.








<강조하기 1>


1. Not ~ until ... 구문 이용하기.

I didn't realize this was so important until today. 저는 이것이 그렇게 중요한지 오늘 이때까지 몰랐습니다.

I didn't realize this was so important until our share of the market started dwindling(decrease / diminish / lessen / fall).

I clearly understand the importance of managing employees after having failed in my venture business.


2. 부사로 문장 전체 강조하기.

Clearly, this is a good sign for us.

evidently(명백히) / extremely(아주) / positively(고무적으로) / absolutely(훌륭하게) / entirely(전혀)


3. 역설적으로 강조하기.

We can't emphasize the importance of ~ too much

I can't emphasize enough just how critical this is.

I can't stress this enough.

I can't emphasize the importance of honesty too much.


4. 부사로 동사 강조하기

We strongly recommend that ~.

deeply / totally(완전히) / fully(전적으로) / sincerely(진심으로) / categorically(명확히)


5. 주격 관계대명사 what

What is especially important is ~.

What I'd like to do is (to) look at this problem from a different perspective.

What we want to do is (to) build a new factory.

What we can't afford to do is (to) spend too much on advertising.


6. 가장 중요함을 강조하기.

Probably most important of all is ~.

Speeding up the development of a new product is of paramount importance.


*categorically 절대적으로, 단언적으로

*admit (별로 좋지 않은 사실을) 인정하다.







격식체와 비격식체

격식적 비격식적 의미
accelerate speed up 속도를 내다
amalgamate combine 결합하다
conduct carry out 행하다
consolidate strengthen 강화하다
capitalize on take advantage of 이용하다
collaborate work together 협력하다
calculate work out 계산하다
demonstrate show 보여주다
dispatch send 보내다
establish set up 설립하다
exploit make use of 이용하다
explore think about 탐구하다
formulate think up 공식화하다
investigate look into 조사하다
incorporate build in 통합하다
penetrate break into 침투하다
purchase buy 구매하다
relocate move 이동하다
remunerate pay 보수를 주다
utilize use 이용하다





<강조하기 2>


1. 강조의 Do

We do recommend that ~.


2. 대안이 없음을 강조하기

There is no alternative but to ~.

There is no way but to give it one more try.

There is no choice but to develop a new product to step up our competitiveness in the marketplace.


3. 동일 어휘 반복하기.

Nobody knows that better than we do ~ nobody.

It really is very, very difficult to predict the political situation in the Middle East.

It's always far, far easier to make a plan than it is to carry it out.

Everybody makes mistakes - everybody.

We didn't accept their offer. We didn't accept their offer because their final price was higher than we expected.


4. 질문을 통한 강조.

So, just how difficult is it? Almost out of the question.

So, just how good is the situations? Couldn't be better.

So, just how bad is the situation? Couldn't be worse.

So, how good are our sales figures? Couldn't be better.

So, how good is our economic situation? It has reached a climactic state.


5. 부정문-긍정문의 대조

It doesn't matter who ~.

What does matter is how ~.

It does not concern me how fast a person can write. What does concern me is how accurately a person can write.

Investing in China does not interest me. What does interest me is finding a business partner in China.

We have been able to fix the product if it is out of order. What we haven't been able to do is to exchange it with another new one.

We are in a good position to recommend the person whom you are looking for. What we are not in a position to do is to ask the person to work for you.


6. 질문 자체에 답을 주며 강조하기.

So, what is the problem? The problem is ~.

What's our main objective? Our main objective is to build a new factory.

And what is the result? The result is a total failure.

So, what is the point? The point is we can't expect too much too soon.

So, what is the solution? The solution is to get rid of the middle managers in order to make our decision-making process fast.


능동태 표현 수동태 표현(좀 더 격식체)
I think ~ It is thought ~
We are talking about ~ It is being talked about ~
The manager has said ~ It has been said ~
The section chief called a meeting. A meeting was called.
I will prepare this report. This report will be prepared.
We tested each person. Each person was tested.
They carried our the first research. The first research was carried out.
Everybody knows that ~ It is a well-known fact that ~
A lot of people don't realize that ~. It is a little known fact that ~
people often make the mistake of thinking ~ It is a common misconception that ~
We can't be sure whether we can ~ It is debatable whether ~
We don't expect anyone to find ~ It is doubtful whether ~






1. 요약하기 전

Let me sum up the main points(main issues/key points) again.

Here is a summary of the main points.

Let me give you a recap of how we did versus how we had projected we would do.

I'd like to go over that again.


2. 요약하기 전 당부의 말.

Please keep the following recommendations(suggestions) in mind.

Please bear the following points in mind.

Please bear the following possibilities in mind. 다음 가능성을 유념해 주시기 바랍니다.

The main points of my advertising strategies are as follows.

The key points of my conclusion are as follows.

My recommendations are as follows.


3. 요약하겠다는 뉘앙스의 말.

Let me point out the messages to be drawn from this. 여기서 도출되는 메시지를 지적해 보겠습니다.

Let me talk about the implications of this. 이것의 의미를 말씀드리겠습니다.

Let me recapitulate the essential points. 중요한 점을 반복해 드리겠습니다.

Let me repeat that we did not understand the significance of the personal-technology market.

우리는 ~ 점을 반복하고 싶습니다.

I am sure the lessons to be learned from this are evident. 여기서 얻은 교훈은 분명합니다.



Summarizing what I have been talking about, we have no choice but to withdraw from the market. 제가 말한 바를 요약하면, 우리는 시장에서 철수하는 것 외에는 선택의 여지가 없습니다.

Summarizing what I have been presenting, expansion would be difficult.

Summarizing my points, we need to develop a training program.

Summarizing what we have been discussing, we need to introduce TQM to our factories.


5. 부사구로 요약

In short / In brief / To sum up / To put it briefly


6. as이용

As you can see, there are some very good reasons.

As we have been discussing so far, there are some vital signs.

지금까지 말씀드린 대로 몇 가지 중요한 징후가 있습니다.

As we have been talking about, there are some suggestions.

논의한 바와 같이 몇 가지 권고사항이 있습니다.

As you can see, there have been some concerns.

As we have been discussing, we need to come up with some proper methods.

지금까지 논의한 바와 같이, 우리는 몇 가지 적절한 방안을 마련해야 합니다.

As we have been talking about, there are several reasons.

말씀드린 바와 같이, 몇 가지 원인이 있습니다.

<발표 끝내기>

1. 발표를 마칠 때

That concludes my presentation. : 이것으로 제 발표를 마치겠습니다.

That covers all that I wanted to say today. : 오늘 제가 전하고자 한 말은 이것이 전부입니다.

That completes my presentation.

That ends my talk. : 제 이야기는 이것으로 끝입니다.

That brings us to the end of my presentation. : 이것으로 제 발표는 끝입니다.

The formal part of my presentation is drawing to a close. : 제 발표의 공식적인 부분은 거의 끝났습니다.


2. 주안점을 되풀이하며 끝맺을 때

Before I stop, let me just repeat the main points of my talk.

끝내기 전에 발표의 주안점을 반복하겠습니다.

Before I finish, let me stress why we must withdraw from the overseas market.

Before I end, let me point one more time to the importance of restructuring.

Before I close, let me emphasize the importance of outsourcing to save money.

The main benefits of the new design hardly need to be emphasized.

새로운 디자인의 이점에 대해 새삼 강조할 필요는 없을 것입니다.

There is not a shadow of doubt in my mind that we can increase.

우리가 생산율을 50% 향상시킬 수 있으리라는 것을 저는 조금도 의심하지 않습니다.


3. I'd like to 이용 주안점 되풀이

I'd like to end by emphasizing the importance of making a new logo.

I'd like to end with the idea that we need to continue putting emphasis on international operations.

I'd like to conclude by repeating that we need to refocus on our online business.

I'd like to leave you with the idea that we need to set up new computer system.

I'd like to finish by saying that we have to get bank loans to finance the overseas project.

우리는 해외 프로젝트의 재원을 마련하기 위해 은행 융자를 받아야만 한다는 말씀으로 끝내고 싶습니다.


4. 결론을 말할 때

In conclusion, To conclude.


5. 문답형태로 결론을 말할 때

So what does all this mean? That is to say, we should take the long-term benefits into consideration.

그래서 이 모든 것이 의미하는 바가 무엇이냐고요? 그것은, 우리가 우리의 기술을 보호하지 못하면 곧 퇴출되고 말 것이라는 사실입니다.


We have to close down the plants that are not making a profit. That's what this presentation is all about.

우리는 이윤을 내지 못하는 공장을 폐쇄해야합니다. 이것이 제 발표의 전부입니다.

We have to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels. That's what this presentation is all about.

우리는 화석 연료의 사용을 줄여야 합니다. 이것이 이 발표의 전체 내용입니다.


6. 감사 인사

Thank you for listening (to my presentation.)

Thank you for your attention.

Thank you for being such a good audience.

Thank you for being with us this morning.

Thank you all for attending.

Thanks for your participation.

I'd like to thank Mr. Smith for coming over form Busan.





<질문 받기>

1. 질문이 있는 지 물어보기

Are there any questions or comments?

질문이나 하시고 싶은 말씀이 있습니까?

-I have a question → Go ahead(하시지요.) / Please do.(질문하시지요.) / Certainly (좋습니다.)

Are there any questions you'd like to ask?

Does anyone have any questions or comments?

질문이나 하시고 싶은 말씀이 있습니까?

Now we have about ten minutes for questions and answers.

지금부터 약 10분간에 걸쳐 질의응답 시간을 갖겠습니다.

Now I'd like to invite your questions and comments.

I would be happy to answer any questions.


2. 질문에 대한 감사를 표할 때

That's a very good question. 아주 좋은 질문입니다.

Thank you for asking that question.

I am glad you asked that.

That's an excellent question.

That's a fine point. 아주 좋은 지적입니다.

어려움을 표할 때

I am afraid that is a rather difficult question. 다소 어려운 질문인 것 같군요.

I think that is an unnecessary question. 불필요한 질문인 것 같은데요.


3. 질문의 요지 재확인 하기

If I understand you correctly, are you asking us to restructure our department?

제가 제대로 이해한 거라면, 우리 부서를 구조조정하라고 요구하시는 겁니까?

If I understand you correctly, are you saying that we could prevent these problem?

제가 제대로 이해한 거라면, 우리가 이 문제를 막을 수 있다고 말씀하시는 겁니까?

I am not sure whether I understand you correctly, but did you say that we should freeze wages?

제가 제대로 이해했는지 확실치 않습니다만, 임금을 동결하자는 말씀입니까?

I'm not sure what you're getting at.

당신이 말하고자 하는 점이 무엇인지 잘 모르겠습니다.


4. 질문 되물을 때

Could you say that again?

Sorry, I missed that. Could you go over that again?

Sorry, I didn't catch that. Could you repeat it, please?

Sorry, I don't quite see what you mean. Could you explain that, please?

I don't quite follow you. What exactly do you mean?

무슨 말씀이신지 모르겠습니다. 정확하게 무슨 말씀이시죠?



5. 질문에 대한 답변 후

Does that answer your question? 질문에 대한 답이 됐습니까?

Does my answer satisfy you? 제 답에 만족하세요?

Does my response make you happy? 제 답에 만족하세요?

Have I made that clear? 제가 명료하게 설명해드렸나요?

Is that clear? 이제 확실합니까?

Do you see what I am getting at? 제 말뜻을 이해하시겠어요?

Did I answer your question? 제 말이 당신의 질문에 답변이 됐나요?


6. 다음 답변으로 넘어갈 때.

May we move on? 계속 할까요?

May we continue? 계속 진행 할까요?

May we go on to the next question? 다음 질문으로 넘어갈까요?

If there are no further questions concerning the issue of the budget, let's move on to the next question.

예산 문제에 관해 더 이상의 질문이 없다면, 다음 질문으로 넘어갑시다.


If there are no other questions, why don't we wrap it up here?

또 다른 질문이 없으면 여기서 끝내는 게 어떨까요?

If there are no further questions, perhaps we should stop here.

더 이상 질문이 없으면 여기서 끝내는 게 좋겠습니다.



친밀감 형성하기.

1. we / us / our / ours / all 같은 어구를 자주 사용한다.

2. 동의를 구하는 부가의문문을 사용한다.

3. 호소력이 강한 부정의문문을 사용한다.

4. You know, You see 같은 어구를 사용한다.




<질문 다루기>


1. 질문에 대한 답변을 피할 시.(구체적으로 모르는 이유를 적시할 것.)

I'm afraid I am not in a position to comment on that.

죄송하지만 저는 그 점에 관해 얘기할 위치에 있지 않습니다.

I'm afraid I am not in a position to talk about that.

죄송하지만 저는 그 점에 대해 말씀드릴 위치가 아닌 것 같습니다.

I am afraid I don't have that information with me.

죄송합니다만, 제게는 그에 관한 정보가 없습니다.

I am afraid I don't have the figures with me.

죄송합니다만 저는 그에 관한 수치를 가지고 있지 않습니다.

I'm afraid that's not my field.

죄송합니다만 그건 제 분야가 아닙니다.

I don't know → I wish I knew. 저도 알았으면 좋겠습니다.(세련된 답변)


2. 답변을 미룰 시

I don't know that off the top of my head. 지금 당장은 잘 떠오르지 않습니다.

I can't answer your question off the top of my head.

I can't comment on that off the top of my head.


답변을 다음에 주겠다고 할 때

Perhaps can I get back to you on that later?

Perhaps can I talk about that later?

Perhaps can I deal with that later?


질문의 역이용

Interesting. What do you think? 흥미롭군요. 당신은 어떻게 생각하세요.

Is there anyone who could answer that question? 여러분 중 그 질문에 답하실 수 있는 분이 계십니까?


3. 이미 언급했을 때.

Well, as I talked about earlier, we were well behind schedule on this project.

앞서 말씀드린 대로, 이 프로젝트는 계획보다 훨씬 뒤처져 있습니다.

Well, as I mentioned earlier, there is an undersupplied market in Vietnam.

Well, as I said earlier, we have problems with one of our suppliers.

Well, as I said at the end of my presentation, the new product should be ready by this summer.

발표의 마지막 부분에서 말씀드린 것처럼, 신제품은 이번 여름까지 준비되어야 합니다.

I think I answered that earlier.

그 문제는 앞서 답변을 드린 것 같습니다.


4. 연관성이 없음을 지적할 때.

I'm sorry, but I don't see the connection. 죄송하지만 연관성이 없는 것 같습니다.

I'm sorry, but I don't see the relevance. 죄송하지만 연관이 없는 것 같네요.

I'm sorry, but I don't see the relation. 죄송하지만 연관이 없는 것 같은데요.

I'm sorry, but your question is not relevant to the subject of today's presentation.

죄송하지만, 그 질문은 오늘의 발표 주제와 관계가 없는 것 같은데요.

Sorry, I don't follow you. 죄송합니다만 무슨 말씀인지 이해가 안 가는데요.

To be honest, I think that raises a different issue. 솔직히 그 질문은 별개의 것으로 생각됩니다.

(Honestly / Frankly speaking / to be frank with you)


5. 부족한 설명에 대하여 사과할 때

Sorry, perhaps I did not make that quite clear.

죄송합니다. 아마 제가 그 점을 분명하게 말씀드리지 못한 것 같습니다.

Sorry, perhaps I did not fully explain that.

죄송합니다. 아마 제가 그 점을 충분히 설명 드리지 못한 것 같습니다.

Sorry, perhaps I did not explain fully enough to make you understand.

죄송합니다. 그 점을 여러분이 이해할 수 있도록 충분히 설명해 드리지 못한 것 같습니다.

Sorry, perhaps my explanation was not good enough to make you understand.

죄송합니다. 제 설명이 여러분을 이해시킬 정도로 충분히 좋지는 않았나 봅니다.


6. 답변을 재 정리할 때.

Sorry, what I am saying is, let us concentrate on doing what we do best.

죄송합니다. 제가 말씀드리고자 하는 것은 우리의 전문 분야에 집중을 하자는 것입니다.

What I meant is that we eventually blew the deal.

제 말은 우리는 결국 거래를 망쳐버렸다는 것이죠.

My meaning is that our commercials should aim for the end-users.

제 말은 우리의 광고방송이 최종 소비자들을 겨냥해야 한다는 겁니다.

