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전국 공장 목록, List of factories in Korea, 韓国全国工場一覧 (1429)

by xps2 2023. 5. 10.

순번 회사명 단지명 생산품 공장주소
71401 (주)세라켐 반월국가산업단지 세라믹코팅제 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로 107, 3층 307 (원시동, 서흥테크노밸리)
71402 (주)세븐티 반월국가산업단지 인쇄회로기판 경기도 안산시 단원구 범지기로141번길 75, 777-1번지 (원시동)
71403 (주)세종금형기술연구소 반월국가산업단지 전자부품(금형) 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로 223, (725-9) (원시동, 일광전자재료(주))
71404 (주)세종테크니칼 반월국가산업단지 인쇄회로기판 경기도 안산시 단원구 범지기로141번길 39 (원시동, 영풍전자(주))
71405 (주)세진파워텍 반월국가산업단지 전원공급장치 경기도 안산시 단원구 동산로27번길 86-15, (769-3) (원시동)
71406 (주)셈텍 반월국가산업단지 LED 조명 경기도 안산시 단원구 동산로 76, 3층 327 (원시동)
71407 (주)소텍 반월국가산업단지 FPCB 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로35번길 41, (742-7) (원시동)
71408 (주)솔텍코리아 반월국가산업단지 LCD부품 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로20번길 41, 833-9 (9B-10-5L) (원시동)
71409 (주)솔텍코리아 반월국가산업단지 LCD부품 금형 경기도 안산시 단원구 별망로519번길 27, 1층(737-4번지) (원시동)
71410 (주)송웅피엔텍 안산지점 반월국가산업단지 인쇄회로기판 등 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로 241, 1블럭 (원시동)
71411 (주)수신화학 반월국가산업단지 전착도장업 경기도 안산시 단원구 해안로213번길 26, (743-2번지) 외 1필지 (원시동) (총 2 필지)
71412 (주)숨 반월국가산업단지 필터류, 엔지니어링 및 연구개발 경기도 안산시 단원구 동산로 76, 4층 401 (원시동)
71413 (주)스마트플렉스 반월국가산업단지 PCB 경기도 안산시 단원구 원시로 126, 732-2번지, 4블럭 6롯트 (원시동)
71414 (주)스타코 반월국가산업단지 디스플레이 제조용 챔버 경기도 안산시 단원구 신원로 456, (735번지) (원시동) (총 2 필지)
71415 (주)스타코 반월국가산업단지 OLED및LCD챔버, 공작기계부품 경기도 안산시 단원구 동산로27번길 28, (771번지) (원시동)
71416 (주)스타테크 반월국가산업단지 PET액정보호필름 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로 296, 3층 307 (원시동)
71417 (주)스틸원 반월국가산업단지 철강파이프 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로 107, 1층 158 (원시동, 서흥테크노밸리)
71418 (주)스피드테크 반월국가산업단지 자동제어장치 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로 296, 대우테크노피아 424호,425호 (원시동)
71419 (주)스피폭스 반월국가산업단지 비철금속 경기도 안산시 단원구 동산로27번길 86-15, 23블럭 6롯트 (원시동)
71420 (주)신광 반월국가산업단지 판금물, 매장전시대 경기도 안산시 단원구 동산로27번길 86-22, (769-5, 23B 7.2L) (원시동, 반월다이스공업협동조합)
71421 (주)신광기업 반월국가산업단지 자동차부품, 절연케이블 경기도 안산시 단원구 동산로27번길 86-15, 769-3 (원시동)
71422 (주)신광테크 반월국가산업단지 자동차부품 등 경기도 안산시 단원구 동산로27번길 86-22, (23-07) (원시동)
71423 (주)신명이앤지 지점 반월국가산업단지 EPS금형, EPP금형 경기도 안산시 단원구 별망로 532 (원시동)
71424 (주)신명테크 반월국가산업단지 도금 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로 241, 1블럭 6로트 (원시동, 경수도금협동화(주))
71425 (주)신성HS 반월국가산업단지 PVC호스 경기도 안산시 단원구 범지기로141번길 40, 10블럭 (원시동)
71426 (주)신성나노텍 반월국가산업단지 전자부품인쇄 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로163번길 49, (8-15) (원시동)
71427 (주)신성일렉스 반월국가산업단지 수배전반,항공장애,태양광자동문자무인방송시설 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로 34, (10-63) (원시동)
71428 (주)신성전자 반월국가산업단지 인쇄회로판 경기도 안산시 단원구 범지기로141번길 30, 10블럭 (원시동)
71429 (주)신성종합주방 반월국가산업단지 주방기기 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로67번길 29, (739, 5블럭 22롯트) (원시동, 신기금속공업사)
71430 (주)신세기공압 반월국가산업단지 에어콤프레샤 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로 123, A동 1층 103 (원시동, JS테크노타워 지식산업센터)
71431 (주)신안하우징에셋 반월국가산업단지 전기제어반 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로 107, 2층 230 (원시동, 서흥테크노밸리)
71432 (주)신영 반월국가산업단지 자동차부품 경기도 안산시 단원구 동산로27번길 74, 2,4,5호 23블럭 9롯트 (원시동)
71433 (주)신영씨엔에스 반월국가산업단지 자동포장설비 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로 107, 630호(4-14) (원시동)
71434 (주)신영씨엔에스 반월국가산업단지 Filling Machine, Load Cell 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로 107, 6층 632호 (원시동, 서흥테크노밸리)
71435 (주)신영플렉스 반월국가산업단지 PCB 경기도 안산시 단원구 범지기로141번길 30, (779-5) (원시동)
71436 (주)신우나이프 반월국가산업단지 공업용나이프및실러 경기도 안산시 단원구 동산로27번길 52, 반월산단 11블럭 10롯트 (원시동)
71437 (주)신우하이텍 반월국가산업단지 릴레이 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로 31, (08-27) (원시동)
71438 (주)신진금고 반월국가산업단지 제작 경기도 안산시 단원구 동산로27번길 29, 11블럭 (원시동)
71439 (주)신화알에스 반월국가산업단지 휀스, 도로시설물 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로20번길 53-9, 108호 (원시동, 107)
71440 (주)신화알에스 반월국가산업단지 교통표지판, 차선분리대 경기도 안산시 단원구 동산로 76, 4층 418 (원시동)
71441 (주)신흥 반월국가산업단지 치과용 의료기기,멸균기,의료용의자, 치과용주사침 경기도 안산시 단원구 동산로27번길 42-25, 11블럭 (원시동)
71442 (주)신흥솔루션 반월국가산업단지 UV성형도포 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로 296, 5층 535 (원시동, 대우테크노피아아파트형공장)
71443 (주)신흥엠에스 반월국가산업단지 대차, 바퀴, 트롤리 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로 107, 2층 221,222호 (원시동, 서흥테크노밸리)
71444 (주)신흥정밀 반월국가산업단지 카 오디오 외 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로 87, 반월산단 5블럭 1롯트 (원시동)
71445 (주)써모랩 반월국가산업단지 반도체용 방열모듈 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로 296, 6층 622 (원시동, 대우테크노피아아파트형공장)
71446 (주)써키트플렉스 반월국가산업단지 연성회로기판(FPCB) 경기도 안산시 단원구 범지기로141번길 79, 10블럭 59롯트-2 (원시동)
71447 (주)썬레이저 반월국가산업단지 목금형 경기도 안산시 단원구 범지기로 85, 1층 103 (원시동)
71448 (주)썬테크원 반월국가산업단지 인쇄회로기판 경기도 안산시 단원구 원시로 126, 732-2번지, 4블럭 6롯트 (원시동)
71449 (주)씨아이 반월국가산업단지 FPCB 경기도 안산시 단원구 산단로 296, 5층 505 (원시동)
71450 (주)씨아이시스템 반월국가산업단지 CCTV 경기도 안산시 단원구 원시로 253-15, 818-3번지 (원시동)

Num. Company Name Complex Product Factory address
71401 Seracham Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Ceramic coating 107, 3rd floor, Sanwon -ro, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do (Won -dong, Seoheung Techno Valley)
71402 Seventy Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Printed circuit board 75, 777-1, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 75, 777-1 (Won-dong)
71403 Sejong Geum Technology Research Institute Banwol National Industrial Complex Electronic components (mold) 223, (725-9), Sanwon-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do (725-9)
71404 Sejong Technical Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Printed circuit board 39 Bumji -ro 141beon -gil, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do (Won -dong, Yeongpung Electronics Co., Ltd.)
71405 Sejin Power Tech Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Power supply 86-15, Dongsan-ro 27beon-gil, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, (769-3) (Won-dong)
71406 Sem Tech Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex LED lighting 76, Dongsan -ro, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do, 327 (Won -dong)
71407 Sotec Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Fpcb 41, (742-7), Sanwon-ro 35beon-gil, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do (742-7) (Won-dong)
71408 Soldec Korea Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex LCD parts 41, 833-9 (9B-10-5L) (9B-10-5L), 41, Sanwon-ro 20beon-gil, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do (9B-10-5L)
71409 Soldec Korea Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex LCD parts mold 27, 1st floor (737-4) (737-4) (737-4), Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do (737-4)
71410 Songwoong Pienec Ansan Branch Banwol National Industrial Complex Print circuit board, etc. 241, 1 block of Sanwon -ro, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do
71411 Receive Chemistry Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Transfer 26, (743-2) and 1 parcels (2 parcels) (2 parcels)
71412 Breath Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Filter, engineering and research and development 76, 4th floor, Dongsan -ro, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do (Won -dong)
71413 Smart Flex Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex PCB 126, 732-2, and 4 blocks 6 to 2, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do
71414 Starco Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Chamber for display manufacturing 456, Sinwon -ro, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do (735) (Wonsi -dong) (2 parcels)
71415 Starco Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex OLED and LCD chambers, machine tool parts 28, (771), Dongsan -ro 27beon -gil, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do (771)
71416 Star Tech Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex PET liquid protection film 296, 3rd floor, San Dan -ro, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do (Won -dong)
71417 Steel One Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Steel pipe 107, 1st floor, Sanwon -ro, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do (Won -dong, Seoheung Techno Valley)
71418 Speed ​​Tech Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Automatic control device 296, Sanwon -ro, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do, Daewoo Technopia 424, 425 (Wonsi -dong)
71419 Spitfox Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Non -ferrous metals 86-15, 23 blocks, 6th, Dongsan-ro 27beon-gil, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do
71420 Shingwang Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Sheet metal water, store exhibition zone 86-22, Dongsan-ro 27beon-gil, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do (769-5, 23B 7.2L)
71421 Shinkwang Corporation Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Automobile parts, insulation cables 86-15, 769-3, Dongsan-ro 27beon-gil, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do
71422 Shinkwang Tech Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Automobile parts, etc. 86-22, Dongsan-ro 27beon-gil, Danwon-gu, Gyeonggi-do, 86-22, (23-07) (Won-dong)
71423 Shinmyeong E & C Branch Banwol National Industrial Complex EPS mold, EPP mold 532, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do
71424 Deuteronomy Tech Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Plated 241, 1 block 6th Rot (Wonsi -dong, Gyeongsu Portgate Cooperative Co., Ltd.)
71425 Holy HS Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex PVC hose 40 blocks, 10 blocks (Won -dong), 141beon -gil, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do
71426 Holy Nanotech Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Electronic parts printing 49, (8-15), Sanwon-ro 163beon-gil, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do
71427 Shin Sung Elx Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Overall, aviation disorder, solar automatic text unmanned broadcasting facility 34, Sanwon-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do (10-63) (Won-dong)
71428 Holy Electronics Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Printing board 30, 10 blocks (Won -dong), Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do 30, 10 blocks (Won -dong)
71429 Shinseong General Kitchen Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Kitchen 29, (739, 5 blocks 22 lots) (739, 5 blocks) (739, 5 blocks)
71430 Neon Century Pneumatic Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Aircom 123, Sanwon -ro, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do, 103 on the 1st floor of A -dong (Won -dong, JS Techno Tower Knowledge Industry Center)
71431 Shinan Housing Asset Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Electric control panel 107, 2nd floor, Sanwon -ro, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do (Won -dong, Seoheung Techno Valley)
71432 Shinyoung Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Automotive Parts 74, 2, 4, and 5, Dongsan -ro 27beon -gil, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do, 23 blocks and 9th (Won -dong)
71433 Shinyoung C & S Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Automatic packaging 107, 630 (4-14), Sanwon-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do (4-14)
71434 Shinyoung C & S Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Filling Machine, load cell 107, 632, Sanwon -ro, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do (Won -dong, Seoheung Techno Valley)
71435 Shinyoung Flex Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex PCB 30, (779-5), Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 30, (779-5) (779-5)
71436 Shinwoo Knife Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Industrial knife and silver 52, Dongsan -ro 27beon -gil, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do, and 11 blocks of 11 blocks of Banwol Industrial Complex (Won -dong)
71437 Shinwoo Hitech Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex relay 31, Sanwon-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do (08-27) (Won-dong)
71438 Shinjak Gum High School Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex produce 29, 11 blocks (Won -dong), Dongsan -ro 27beon -gil, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do
71439 Shinhwa RS Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Fence, road facilities 53-9, 108, Sanwon-ro 20beon-gil, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do (Wonsi-dong, 107)
71440 Shinhwa RS Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Traffic signs, lane separator 76, 418, Dongsan -ro, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do
71441 Shinheung Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Dental medical devices, sterilizers, medical suspects, dentists 42-25, 11 blocks (Won-dong), Dongsan-ro 27beon-gil, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do
71442 Emerging Solution Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex UV molding application 296, 5th floor 535, Sanwon -ro, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do (Won -dong, Daewoo Technopia Apartment Factory)
71443 Shinheung MS Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Loan, wheel, trolley 107, 2nd floor, Sanwon -ro, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do (Wonsi -dong, Seoheung Techno Valley)
71444 Emerging Precision Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Car audio and other 87, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do, 87, Banwol Industrial Complex 5 Block 1 Lot (Won -dong)
71445 Thermo Lab Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Heat heat dissipation module for semiconductor 296, 6th floor, Sanwon -ro, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do (Won -dong, Daewoo Technopia Apartment Factory)
71446 Circuit Flex Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Soft circuit board (FPCB) 79, 10 blocks 59 Lot-2 (Won-dong)
71447 Sun Laser Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Mockword 85, 1st floor 103 (Won -dong), Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do
71448 Sun Tech One Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Printed circuit board 126, 732-2, and 4 blocks 6 to 2, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do
71449 CI Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex Fpcb 296, 5th floor, Sanwon -ro, Danwon -gu, Ansan -si, Gyeonggi -do (Won -dong)
71450 CI System Co., Ltd. Banwol National Industrial Complex CCTV 253-15, 818-3, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do

番号 会社名 複雑 製品 工場住所
71401 Seracham Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex セラミックコーティング 107、3階、Sanwon -Ro、Danwon -Gu、Ansan -si、Gyeonggi -do(Won -dong、Seoheung Techno Valley)
71402 Seventy Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex プリント回路基板 75、777-1、Danwon-gu、Ansan-Si、Gyeonggi-Do、75、777-1(Won-Dong)
71403 Sejong Geum Technology Research Institute Banwol National Industrial Complex 電子コンポーネント(金型) 223、(725-9)、Sanwon-Ro、Danwon-Gu、Ansan-Si、Gyeonggi-Do(725-9)
71404 Sejong Technical Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex プリント回路基板 39 bumji -ro 141beon -gil、danwon -gu、ansan -si、gyeonggi -do(won -dong、yeongpung Electronics Co.、Ltd。)
71405 Sejin Power Tech Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex 電源 86-15、Dongsan-ro 27beon-Gil、Danwon-gu、Ansan-Si、Gyeonggi-Do、(769-3)(Won-Dong)
71406 Sem Tech Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex LED照明 76、Dongsan -Ro、Danwon -Gu、Ansan -si、Gyeonggi -do、327(Won -dong)
71407 Sotec Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex FPCB 41、(742-7)、Sanwon-ro 35beon-gil、Danwon-gu、Ansan-Si、Gyeonggi-Do(742-7)(Won-Dong)
71408 Soldec Korea Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex LCDパーツ 41、833-9(9B-10-5L)(9B-10-5L)、41、Sanwon-ro 20beon-gil、Danwon-gu、Ansan-Si、Gyeonggi-do(9b-10-5l)
71409 Soldec Korea Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex LCDパーツ金型 27、1階(737-4)(737-4)(737-4)、Danwon-gu、Ansan-Si、Gyeonggi-Do(737-4)
71410 Songwoong Pienec Ansanブランチ Banwol National Industrial Complex プリント回路基板など 241、1ブロックのサンウォン-ro、ダンウォン-gu、ansan -si、gyeonggi -do
71411 Comemistry Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex 移行 26、(743-2)と1枚の区画(2個の区画)(2個の区画)
71412 Breath Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex フィルター、エンジニアリング、研究開発 76、4階、ドンサン-ro、ダンウォン-gu、ansan -si、gyeonggi -do(won -dong)
71413 Smart Flex Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex PCB 126、732-2、および4ブロック6から2、ダンウォング、アンサンシ、gyeonggi-do
71414 Starco Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex ディスプレイ製造用のチャンバー 456、sinwon -ro、danwon -gu、ansan -si、gyeonggi -do(735)(wonsi -dong)(2個の区画)
71415 Starco Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex OLEDおよびLCDチャンバー、工作機械部品 28、(771)、Dongsan -ro 27beon -gil、Danwon -gu、Ansan -si、Gyeonggi -do(771)
71416 Star Tech Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex ペット液体保護フィルム 296、3階、サンダン-ro、ダンウォン-gu、ansan -si、gyeonggi -do(won -dong)
71417 Steel One Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex 鋼管 107、1階、Sanwon -ro、Danwon -gu、Ansan -si、Gyeonggi -do(Won -dong、Seoheung Techno Valley)
71418 Speed Tech Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex 自動制御デバイス 296、Sanwon -ro、Danwon -gu、Ansan -si、Gyeonggi -do、Daewoo Technopia 424、425(Wonsi -dong)
71419 Spitfox Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex 非鉄金属 86-15、23ブロック、6番目、Dongsan-ro 27beon-gil、Danwon-gu、Ansan-Si、Gyeonggi-do
71420 Shingwang Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex 板金水、店舗展示ゾーン 86-22、Dongsan-ro 27beon-gil、Danwon-gu、Ansan-Si、Gyeonggi-Do(769-5、23b 7.2L)
71421 Shinkwang Corporation Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex 自動車部品、断熱ケーブル 86-15、769-3、Dongsan-ro 27beon-gil、Danwon-gu、Ansan-si、Gyeonggi-do
71422 Shinkwang Tech Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex 自動車部品など 86-22、Dongsan-Ro 27beon-Gil、Danwon-Gu、Gyeonggi-Do、86-22、(23-07)(Won-Dong)
71423 Shinmyeong E&Cブランチ Banwol National Industrial Complex EPS金型、EPP金型 532、ダンウォン-gu、ansan -si、gyeonggi -do
71424 Deuteronomy Tech Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex メッキ 241、1ブロック6th Rot(Wonsi -Dong、Gyeongsu Portgate Cooperative Co.、Ltd。)
71425 Holy HS Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex PVCホース 40ブロック、10ブロック(won -dong)、141beon -gil、danwon -gu、ansan -si、gyeonggi -do
71426 Holy Nanotech Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex 電子部品印刷 49、(8-15)、Sanwon-ro 163beon-gil、Danwon-gu、Ansan-si、Gyeonggi-do
71427 Shin Sung Elx Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex 全体として、航空障害、太陽自動テキスト無人放送施設 34、Sanwon-Ro、Danwon-gu、Ansan-Si、Gyeonggi-Do(10-63)(Won-Dong)
71428 Holy Electronics Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex 印刷委員会 30、10ブロック(won -dong)、danwon -gu、ansan -si、gyeonggi -do 30、10ブロック(won -dong)
71429 Shinseong General Kitchen Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex 台所 29、(739、5ブロック22ロット)(739、5ブロック)(739、5ブロック)
71430 Neon Century Pneumatic Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex エアコム 123、Sanwon -Ro、Danwon -Gu、Ansan -si、Gyeonggi -do、103 -Dong(Won -Dong、JS Techno Tower Knowledge Industry Industry Center)の1階にある103
71431 Shinan Housing Asset Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex 電気コントロールパネル 107、2階、Sanwon -Ro、Danwon -Gu、Ansan -si、Gyeonggi -do(Won -Dong、Seoheung Techno Valley)
71432 Shinyoung Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex 自動車部品 74、2、4、および5、Dongsan -ro 27beon -gil、Danwon -gu、Ansan -si、Gyeonggi -do、23ブロック、9番目(Won -dong)
71433 Shinyoung C&S Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex 自動パッケージ 107、630(4-14)、Sanwon-Ro、Danwon-Gu、Ansan-Si、Gyeonggi-Do(4-14)
71434 Shinyoung C&S Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex 充填機、ロードセル 107、632、Sanwon -Ro、Danwon -Gu、Ansan -si、Gyeonggi -Do(Won -Dong、Seoheung Techno Valley)
71435 Shinyoung Flex Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex PCB 30、(779-5)、Danwon-gu、Ansan-Si、Gyeonggi-Do、30、(779-5)(779-5)
71436 Shinwoo Knife Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex 工業用ナイフと銀 52、Dongsan -Ro 27beon -Gil、Danwon -Gu、Ansan -si、Gyeonggi -do、および11ブロックのBanwol Industrial Complex(Won -Dong)
71437 Shinwoo Hitech Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex リレー 31、Sanwon-Ro、Danwon-gu、Ansan-Si、Gyeonggi-Do(08-27)(Won-Dong)
71438 Shinjak Gum High School Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex 生産 29、11ブロック(Won -dong)、Dongsan -ro 27beon -gil、Danwon -gu、Ansan -si、Gyeonggi -do
71439 Shinhwa Rs Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex フェンス、道路施設 53-9、108、Sanwon-ro 20beon-gil、Danwon-gu、Ansan-Si、Gyeonggi-Do(Wonsi-Dong、107)
71440 Shinhwa Rs Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex 交通標識、レーンセパレーター 76、418、Dongsan -Ro、Danwon -gu、Ansan -si、Gyeonggi -do
71441 Shinheung Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex 歯科医療機器、滅菌剤、医療容疑者、歯科医 42-25、11ブロック(Won-Dong)、Dongsan-Ro 27beon-Gil、Danwon-Gu、Ansan-Si、Gyeonggi-Do
71442 Emerging Solution Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex UVモールディングアプリケーション 296、5階535、Sanwon -ro、Danwon -gu、Ansan -si、Gyeonggi -do(Won -dong、Daewoo Technopia Apartment Factory)
71443 Shinheung MS Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex ローン、ホイール、トロリー 107、2階、Sanwon -Ro、Danwon -Gu、Ansan -si、Gyeonggi -do(Wonsi -Dong、Seoheung Techno Valley)
71444 Emerging Precision Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex カーオーディオおよびその他 87、Danwon -Gu、Ansan -Si、Gyeonggi -Do、87、Banwol Industrial Complex 5ブロック1ロット(Won -dong)
71445 Thermo Lab Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex 半導体の熱散逸モジュール 296、6階、サンウォン-ro、ダンウォン-gu、ansan -si、gyeonggi -do(won -dong、daewoo technopia Apartment Factory)
71446 Circuit Flex Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex ソフト回路基板(FPCB) 79、10ブロック59ロット2(ウォンドン)
71447 Sun Laser Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex モックワード 85、1st Floor 103(Won -Dong)、Danwon -Gu、Ansan -si、Gyeonggi -do
71448 Sun Tech One Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex プリント回路基板 126、732-2、および4ブロック6から2、ダンウォング、アンサンシ、gyeonggi-do
71449 CI Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex FPCB 296、5階、サンウォン-ro、ダンウォン-gu、ansan -si、gyeonggi -do(won -dong)
71450 CI System Co.、Ltd。 Banwol National Industrial Complex CCTV 253-15、818-3、Danwon-gu、Ansan-Si、Gyeonggi-Do
