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전국 공장 목록, List of factories in Korea, 韓国全国工場一覧 (2237)

by Moonshot Luxury 2023. 5. 15.

순번 회사명 단지명 생산품 공장주소
104721 AP시스템(주)제2사업장 화성동탄일반산업단지 반도체장비 경기도 화성시 동탄산단9길 23-12 (방교동)
104722 KY메디텍 화성동탄일반산업단지 난방기기, 전기기기 경기도 화성시 동탄산단6길 53-24 (방교동)
104723 PLUS엔지니어링 화성동탄일반산업단지 라벨인쇄(레이저마킹, 열전사 인쇄) 경기도 화성시 동탄산단8길 15-26 (방교동)
104724 SY전자 화성동탄일반산업단지 자동차내장재,플라스틱 박스 경기도 화성시 동탄산단5길 54 (방교동)
104725 SY전자 화성동탄일반산업단지 전자부품 경기도 화성시 동탄산단5길 56 (방교동)
104726 광흥에스피(주) 화성동탄일반산업단지 화장품 마스크팩 제조장비 경기도 화성시 동탄산단6길 50 (방교동)
104727 광흥종합기계 화성동탄일반산업단지 배이스 플레이트 경기도 화성시 동탄산단6길 50 (방교동)
104728 나노세미콘(주) 화성동탄일반산업단지 반도체 부품 경기도 화성시 동탄산단6길 53-24 (방교동)
104729 네오텍 화성동탄일반산업단지 slit valve 경기도 화성시 동탄산단7길 98-6 (방교동)
104730 다산엔지니어링 화성동탄일반산업단지 진공밸브류 경기도 화성시 동탄산단2길 58 (방교동)
104731 대형정밀(주) 화성동탄일반산업단지 전자부품 및 통신장비 경기도 화성시 동탄산단2길 61 (방교동)
104732 대흥사 화성동탄일반산업단지 무선기기, 테이터기기 경기도 화성시 동탄산단2길 37 (방교동)
104733 동부엘이디 화성동탄일반산업단지 LED 경기도 화성시 동탄산단6길 53-24 (방교동)
104734 동양엔지니어링 화성동탄일반산업단지 자동차금형 경기도 화성시 동탄산단8길 41 (방교동)
104735 동우씨엔피 주식회사 화성동탄일반산업단지 변류기 경기도 화성시 동탄산단9길 21 (방교동)
104736 두타아이티 주식회사 화성동탄일반산업단지 DATALOGGER 및 PANEL 제작 등 경기도 화성시 동탄산단9길 17 (방교동)
104737 멜콘(주) 화성동탄일반산업단지 반도체장비 경기도 화성시 동탄산단9길 9-15 (방교동)
104738 모스탑(주) 화성동탄일반산업단지 전자부품 경기도 화성시 동탄산단4길 9-9 (방교동)
104739 비에스티(주) 화성동탄일반산업단지 반도체 장비 부품 등
104740 비전엑스아시아(주) 화성동탄일반산업단지 조명장치 경기도 화성시 동탄산단9길 23-7 (방교동)

Num Company Name Complex Product Factory address
104721 AP System Co., Ltd. 2nd workplace Hwaseong -dong Tanilban Industrial Complex Semiconductor equipment 23-12, Dongtan Mountain 9-gil, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do (Banggyo-dong)
104722 KY Meditech Hwaseong -dong Tanilban Industrial Complex Undergraduate, electric device 53-24, Dongtan Mountain 6-gil, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do (Banggyo-dong)
104723 Plus engineering Hwaseong -dong Tanilban Industrial Complex Label printing (laser marking, thermal transfer printing) 15-26, Dongtan Mountain 8-gil, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do (Banggyo-dong)
104724 SY electronics Hwaseong -dong Tanilban Industrial Complex Car interior material, plastic box 54, Dongtan Model 5 -gil, Hwaseong -si, Gyeonggi -do (Banggyo -dong)
104725 SY electronics Hwaseong -dong Tanilban Industrial Complex Electronic parts 56, Dongtan Mountain 5 -gil, Hwaseong -si, Gyeonggi -do (Banggyo -dong)
104726 Gwangheung SP Co., Ltd. Hwaseong -dong Tanilban Industrial Complex Cosmetics mask pack manufacturing equipment 50 50 Dongtan Modern Complex 6 -gil, Hwaseong -si, Gyeonggi -do (Banggyo -dong)
104727 Gwangheung General Machinery Hwaseong -dong Tanilban Industrial Complex Babos plate 50 50 Dongtan Modern Complex 6 -gil, Hwaseong -si, Gyeonggi -do (Banggyo -dong)
104728 Nano Semicon Co., Ltd. Hwaseong -dong Tanilban Industrial Complex Semiconductor parts 53-24, Dongtan Mountain 6-gil, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do (Banggyo-dong)
104729 Neotech Hwaseong -dong Tanilban Industrial Complex Slit Valve 98-6, Dongtan Mountain 7-gil, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do (Banggyo-dong)
104730 Dasan Engineering Hwaseong -dong Tanilban Industrial Complex Vacuum 58, Dongtan Mountain 2 -gil, Hwaseong -si, Gyeonggi -do (Banggyo -dong)
104731 Large precision Co., Ltd. Hwaseong -dong Tanilban Industrial Complex Electronic parts and communication equipment 61, Dongtan Mountain 2 -gil, Hwaseong -si, Gyeonggi -do (Banggyo -dong)
104732 Daeheungsa Temple Hwaseong -dong Tanilban Industrial Complex Wireless device, data device 37, Dongtan Mountain 2 -gil, Hwaseong -si, Gyeonggi -do (Banggyo -dong)
104733 Dongbu L Hwaseong -dong Tanilban Industrial Complex LED 53-24, Dongtan Mountain 6-gil, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do (Banggyo-dong)
104734 Eastern Engineering Hwaseong -dong Tanilban Industrial Complex Auto mold 41, Dongtan Mountain 8 -gil, Hwaseong -si, Gyeonggi -do (Banggyo -dong)
104735 Dongwoo C & P Co., Ltd. Hwaseong -dong Tanilban Industrial Complex deflector 21 Dongtan Modang 9 -gil, Hwaseong -si, Gyeonggi -do (Banggyo -dong)
104736 Dutta IT Co., Ltd. Hwaseong -dong Tanilban Industrial Complex Datalogger and panel production, etc. 17, Dongtan Mansan 9 -gil, Hwaseong -si, Gyeonggi -do (Banggyo -dong)
104737 Melcon Co., Ltd. Hwaseong -dong Tanilban Industrial Complex Semiconductor equipment 9-15, Dongtan Mountain 9-gil, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do (Banggyo-dong)
104738 Most Top Co., Ltd. Hwaseong -dong Tanilban Industrial Complex Electronic parts 9-9, Dongtan Mountain 4-gil, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do (Banggyo-dong)
104739 Besty Co., Ltd. Hwaseong -dong Tanilban Industrial Complex Semiconductor equipment parts, etc.  
104740 Vision X Asia Co., Ltd. Hwaseong -dong Tanilban Industrial Complex Lighting device 23-7, Dongtan Mountain 9-gil, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do (Banggyo-dong)

番号 会社名 複雑 製品 工場住所
104721 AP System Co.、Ltd。2番目の職場 Hwaseong -Dong Tanilban Industrial Complex 半導体機器 23-12、ドンタンマウンテン9-ギル、ハワセンシ、ガイオンギド(バンジードン)
104722 Ky Meditech Hwaseong -Dong Tanilban Industrial Complex 学部、電気装置 53-24、ドンタンマウンテン6-gil、hwaseong-si、gyeonggi-do(バンジードン)
104723 プラスエンジニアリング Hwaseong -Dong Tanilban Industrial Complex ラベル印刷(レーザーマーキング、サーマルトランスファー印刷) 15-26、Dongtan Mountain 8-gil、Hwaseong-Si、Gyeonggi-Do(Banggyo-Dong)
104724 syエレクトロニクス Hwaseong -Dong Tanilban Industrial Complex 車のインテリア材料、プラスチックボックス 54、Dongtan Model 5 -Gil、Hwaseong -si、Gyeonggi -do(バンギョー - ドン)
104725 syエレクトロニクス Hwaseong -Dong Tanilban Industrial Complex 電子部品 56、ドンタンマウンテン5 -gil、hwaseong -si、gyeonggi -do(バンジー - ドン)
104726 Gwangheung Sp Co.、Ltd。 Hwaseong -Dong Tanilban Industrial Complex 化粧品マスクパック製造装置 50 50 Dongtan Modern Complex 6 -Gil、Hwaseong -si、Gyeonggi -do(バンギオ-dong)
104727 Gwangheung general Machinery Hwaseong -Dong Tanilban Industrial Complex Babosプレート 50 50 Dongtan Modern Complex 6 -Gil、Hwaseong -si、Gyeonggi -do(バンギオ-dong)
104728 Nano Semicon Co.、Ltd。 Hwaseong -Dong Tanilban Industrial Complex 半導体部品 53-24、ドンタンマウンテン6-gil、hwaseong-si、gyeonggi-do(バンジードン)
104729 Neotech Hwaseong -Dong Tanilban Industrial Complex スリットバルブ 98-6、ドンタンマウンテン7ギル、Hwaseong-Si、Gyeonggi-Do(Banggyo-Dong)
104730 Dasan Engineering Hwaseong -Dong Tanilban Industrial Complex 真空 58、ドンタンマウンテン2 -gil、hwaseong -si、gyeonggi -do(バンギョ - ドン)
104731 Large Precision Co.、Ltd。 Hwaseong -Dong Tanilban Industrial Complex 電子部品と通信機器 61、ドンタンマウンテン2 -gil、hwaseong -si、gyeonggi -do(バンジー - ドン)
104732 大heungsa寺院 Hwaseong -Dong Tanilban Industrial Complex ワイヤレスデバイス、データデバイス 37、ドンタンマウンテン2 -gil、hwaseong -si、gyeonggi -do(バンギョ - ドン)
104733 dongbu l Hwaseong -Dong Tanilban Industrial Complex 導いた 53-24、ドンタンマウンテン6-gil、hwaseong-si、gyeonggi-do(バンジードン)
104734 東部工学 Hwaseong -Dong Tanilban Industrial Complex 自動型 41、ドンタンマウンテン8 -gil、hwaseong -si、gyeonggi -do(バンジー - ドン)
104735 Dongwoo C&P Co.、Ltd。 Hwaseong -Dong Tanilban Industrial Complex デフレクター 21 Dongtan Modang 9 -Gil、Hwaseong -si、gyeonggi -do(バンギョー-dong)
104736 Dutta It Co.、Ltd。 Hwaseong -Dong Tanilban Industrial Complex データロガーとパネルの生産など。 17、ドンタン・マンサン9 -gil、hwaseong -si、gyeonggi -do(バンギョー - ドン)
104737 Melcon Co.、Ltd。 Hwaseong -Dong Tanilban Industrial Complex 半導体機器 9-15、ドンタンマウンテン9-ギル、ハワセンシ、ガイオンギド(バンジードン)
104738 Most Top Co.、Ltd。 Hwaseong -Dong Tanilban Industrial Complex 電子部品 9-9、Dongtan Mountain 4-Gil、Hwaseong-Si、Gyeonggi-Do(Banggyo-Dong)
104739 Besty Co.、Ltd。 Hwaseong -Dong Tanilban Industrial Complex 半導体機器部品など。  
104740 Vision X Asia Co.、Ltd。 Hwaseong -Dong Tanilban Industrial Complex 照明装置 23-7、Dongtan Mountain 9-gil、Hwaseong-Si、Gyeonggi-Do(Banggyo-Dong)
