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전국 공장 목록, List of factories in Korea, 韓国全国工場一覧 (3473)

by xps4 2023. 5. 17.

순번 회사명 단지명 생산품 공장주소
129441 (주)온새미로 청주지방산업단지 반도체장비(이송용) 부품 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 직지대로 530, 1동 5층 505호 (송정동)
129442 (주)올림 청주지방산업단지 가구류, 광고물, 인테리어 디자인 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로 134, 1동 10층 1004 (송정동, 세중테크노밸리)
129443 (주)우리티앤에스 청주지방산업단지 교통신호제어기 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 직지대로 530, 1동 5층 515호, 515-1호 (송정동)
129444 (주)우현시스템 청주지방산업단지 통신측정장비류 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 직지대로 530, 1동 6층 607호 (송정동)
129445 (주)원풍청주공장 청주지방산업단지 P.V.C 타포린 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 직지대로474번길 5 (송정동, 원풍)
129446 (주)웰투비 청주지방산업단지 고구마 가공식품류 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로 134, 1동 4층 404 (송정동)
129447 (주)위너웰 청주지방산업단지 건강기능식품, 체중조절용식품 등 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로126번길 62 (송정동)
129448 (주)유니온케미칼 청주지방산업단지 농약원료, 액정필름원료 등 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 직지대로436번길 42 (송정동) (총 2 필지)
129449 (주)이비에스테크 청주지방산업단지 자동제어반 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로 134, 세중테크노밸리 12층 1212호 (송정동)
129450 (주)이엔드디 청주지방산업단지 매연저감장치, 이차전지재료, 공기청정기 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 직지대로409번길 37 (송정동, (주)카오닉스)
129451 (주)이엠에스 청주지방산업단지 인쇄회로기판 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 직지대로436번길 24 (송정동, 정성기전(주))
129452 (주)이지켐 청주지방산업단지 실리카, 마이크로캡슐 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 직지대로435번길 26 (송정동, 한국도자기(주))
129453 (주)이진스 청주지방산업단지 인버터, 컨버터, 제어장치 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로 134, 1동 14층 1413 (송정동, 세중테크노밸리)
129454 (주)이현 청주지방산업단지 세라믹 브러쉬, 연마석 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 월명로55번길 31 (송정동)
129455 (주)인에스 청주지방산업단지 CCTV, 유선통신장비 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로 134, 세중테크노밸리 9층 912호 (송정동)
129456 (주)인피니티네트웍스 청주지방산업단지 교통신호제어기, CCTV, 데이터포트 등 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 직지대로 530, 1동 6층 610호 (송정동)
129457 (주)인피테크 청주지방산업단지 반도체장비부품, S/W개발공급 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로 134, 1동 8층 808 (송정동, 세중테크노밸리)
129458 (주)정식품 청주지방산업단지 베지밀,홍차,그린비아 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 산단로 124 (송정동, 정식품)
129459 (주)정우 청주지방산업단지 방화문 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 직지대로516번길 53 (송정동)
129460 (주)제이엔테크 청주지방산업단지 전자개폐기 부품 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로126번길 49 (송정동, 조광산업)

Num Company Name Complex Product Factory address
129441 On Sae Mi Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Semiconductor equipment (transfer) parts 530, Jikji -daero, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do 505 (Songjeong -dong)
129442 Raise Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Furniture, advertisement, interior design 134, 1 -dong, 1 -dong, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Sejung Techno Valley)
129443 Urui & S Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Traffic 530, 515, 515, 515-1, Jikji-daero, Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, 515-1 (Songjeong-dong)
129444 Woo Hyun System Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Telecommunications 530, Jikji -daero, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do 607 (Songjeong -dong)
129445 Wonpung Cheongju Plant Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex P.V.C Taporin 5 -gil 474beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Won Poong)
129446 Well Toby Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Sweet potato 134, 1 -dong, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do 404 (Songjeong -dong)
129447 Winnerwell Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Health functional food, weight control food, etc. 62, 126beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong)
129448 Union Chemie Kal Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Pesticide raw material, liquid crystal film raw material, etc. 42 (Songjeong -dong) 436beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (2 parcels)
129449 EVS Tech Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Automatic control panel 134, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do, 134, Sejung Techno Valley 12th floor 1212 (Songjeong -dong)
129450 Endy Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Sewing reduction device, secondary battery material, air purifier 37, Jikji -daero, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Kanix Co., Ltd.)
129451 EMS Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Printed circuit board 24, Jikji -daero 436beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Jeongseong Mechanism Co., Ltd.)
129452 Ijicham Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Silica, microcapsules 26, 435beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Korean Ceramics Co., Ltd.)
129453 Ijin Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Inverter, converter, control device 134, 1 -dong, 1 -dong, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do 1413 (Songjeong -dong, Sejung Techno Valley)
129454 Lee Hyun Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Ceramic brush, abrasive seat 31, Wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong)
129455 InS Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex CCTV, wired communication equipment 134 Heungdeok -gu Industrial Complex, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do, 912 (Songjeong -dong) on ​​the 9th floor of Sejung Techno Valley (Songjeong -dong)
129456 Infinity Networks Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Traffic renal control, CCTV, data port, etc. 530, Jikji -daero, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do 610 (Songjeong -dong)
129457 Infitech Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Semiconductor equipment parts, S/W development supply 808, 808, 8th floor, 1 -dong, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Sejung Techno Valley)
129458 Food Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Vegemil, black tea, greenbia 124, Sanan -ro, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do
129459 Jungwoo Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Fire door 53, 516beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong)
129460 J & Tech Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Electronic switch parts 49, 126beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Chogwang Industrial)

番号 会社名 複雑 製品 工場住所
129441 Sae Mi Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 半導体機器(転送)部品 530、Jikji -Daero、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do 505(Songjeong -dong)
129442 Raise Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 家具、広告、インテリアデザイン 134、1 -Dong、1 -Dong、Heungdeok -Gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong、Sejung Techno Valley)
129443 Urui&S Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 渋滞 530、515、515、515-1、Jikji-Daero、Heungdeok-Gu、Chungju-Si、Chungcheongbuk-do、515-1(Songjeong-Dong)
129444 Woo Hyun System Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 通信 530、Jikji -Daero、Heungdeok -Gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do 607(Songjeong -dong)
129445 Wonpung Cheongju Plant Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex P.V.Cタポリン 5 -gil 474beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong、Won Poong)
129446 Well Toby Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex スイートポテト 134、1 -dong、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do 404(Songjeong -dong)
129447 Winnerwell Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 健康機能性食品、体重管理食品など 62、126beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong)
129448 Union Chemie Kal Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 原材料、液晶フィルム原料など農薬など 42(Songjeong -dong)436beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(2区画)
129449 EVS Tech Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 自動コントロールパネル 134、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do、134、Sejung Techno Valley 12th Floor 1212(Songjeong -dong)
129450 Endy Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 縫製削減装置、二次バッテリー材料、空気清浄機 37、jikji -daero、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong、Kanix Co.、Ltd。)
129451 EMS Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex プリント回路基板 24、jikji -daero 436beon -gil、heungdeok -gu、chingju -si、chungcheongbuk -do(songjeong -dong、jeongseong mechanism co.、ltd。)
129452 Ijicham Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex シリカ、マイクロカプセル 26、435beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong、Korean Ceramics Co.、Ltd。)
129453 Ijin Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex インバーター、コンバーター、制御デバイス 134、1 -Dong、1 -Dong、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do 1413(Songjeong -dong、Sejung Techno Valley)
129454 Lee Hyun Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex セラミックブラシ、研磨シート 31、wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong)
129455 Ins Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex CCTV、有線通信機器 134 Heungdeok -gu Industrial Complex、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do、912(Songjeong -dong)Sejung Techno Valley(Songjeong -dong)
129456 Infinity Networks Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 交通腎制御、CCTV、データポートなど。 530、Jikji -Daero、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do 610(Songjeong -dong)
129457 Intitech Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 半導体機器部品、S/W開発供給 808、808、8階、1 -Dong、Heungdeok -Gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong、Sejung Techno Valley)
129458 Food Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex ベゲミル、紅茶、グリーンビア 124、Sanan -Ro、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do
129459 Jungwoo Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 防火扉 53、516beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong)
129460 J&Tech Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 電子スイッチ部品 49、126beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -Dong、Chogwang Industrial)
