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전국 공장 목록, List of factories in Korea, 韓国全国工場一覧 (3476)

by xps4 2023. 5. 17.

순번 회사명 단지명 생산품 공장주소
129501 KS케미칼 청주지방산업단지 화학약품(첨가제) 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로 134, 세중테크노밸리 9층 913호, B110호 (송정동)
129502 SM Engineering 청주지방산업단지 자동화패널 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로 134, 세중테크노밸리 5층 501호 (송정동)
129503 S정밀 청주지방산업단지 지그 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 월명로55번길 31 (송정동, 한국합섬주식회사제2공장)
129504 ㈜뷰티콜라겐 청주지방산업단지 화장품, 건강기능식품, 보리차 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로 134, 1동 5층 502, 503, 506호 (송정동, 세중테크노밸리)
129505 경양테크 청주지방산업단지 자동화패널 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로 134, 세중테크노밸리 8층 814호, 815호 (송정동)
129506 고은소재(GOEUN MATERIALS) 청주지방산업단지 자석관련응용기기 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로 134, 세중테크노밸리 15층 1503호 (송정동)
129507 금강와이어 청주지방산업단지 다이아몬드공구부품 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로126번길 49 (송정동, 조광산업)
129508 나누리기획 청주지방산업단지 인쇄물,아크릴가공물,도서,상업라벨 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로 134, 세중테크노밸리 6층 614호, 615호 (송정동)
129509 네이처코스텍(주) 청주지방산업단지 화장품 원료, 의료기기(필러) 소재 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 직지대로 530, 1동 5층 513 (송정동)
129510 대건기업 청주지방산업단지 반사시트지 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로 134, 1동 7층 715 (송정동)
129511 대영피앤지 청주지방산업단지 화장품케이스 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 월명로55번길 31 (송정동, 한국합섬주식회사제2공장)
129512 대우기전 청주지방산업단지 산업용자동제어설비 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로 134, 4층 402, 403호 (송정동)
129513 대웅테크 청주지방산업단지 기계부품 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 직지대로474번길 100 (송정동)
129514 대원칼라인쇄 청주지방산업단지 동판, 금박처리 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 월명로55번길 31 (송정동, 한국합섬주식회사제2공장)
129515 대진모직 청주지방산업단지 모직물 원단 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로126번길 37 (송정동, 자영(주))
129516 대호정밀 청주지방산업단지 전자,기계부품 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 월명로55번길 31 (송정동, 한국합섬주식회사제2공장)
129517 더블에스 청주지방산업단지 기계부품 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 월명로55번길 31 (송정동, 한국합섬주식회사제2공장)
129518 더비젼(The Vision) 청주지방산업단지 LED조명, UV특수조명, 조명제어장치 등 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 직지대로 530, 1동 7층 704, 705, 706호 (송정동)
129519 도우시스 청주지방산업단지 음식물쓰레기 처리기 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 월명로55번길 31 (송정동)
129520 동광산업(주) 청주지방산업단지 도로 미끄럼방지포장재, 도막형바닥재 등 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 월명로55번길 31 (송정동)

Num Company Name Complex Product Factory address
129501 KS Chemical Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Chemicals (additives) 134, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do, 134, Sejung Techno Valley 9th floor 913, B110 (Songjeong -dong)
129502 SM Engineering Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Automation panel 134, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do, 501, 5th floor of Sejung Techno Valley (Songjeong -dong)
129503 S precision Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex now 31, Wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Korea Hapsum Co., Ltd.)
129504 Beauty Collagen Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Cosmetics, health functional food, barley tea 134, 1 -dong, 1 -dong, 5 floors, 503, 503, 506 (Songjeong -dong, Sejung Techno Valley)
129505 Gyeongyang Tech Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Automation panel 134, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do, 134, 814, 815 (Songjeong -dong)
129506 Goeun Materials Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Magnetic -related application 134, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do 1503, 1503, 15th floor of Sejung Techno Valley (Songjeong -dong)
129507 Geumgang Wire Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Diamond tool parts 49, 126beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Chogwang Industrial)
129508 Sharing planning Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Print, acrylic tribute, book, commercial label 134, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do, 614, 615 (Songjeong -dong)
129509 Nature Costech Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Cosmetics raw material, medical device (filler) material 530, Jikji -daero, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do 513 (Songjeong -dong)
129510 Daegun company Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Reflective sheet 715, 715, 7th floor, 1 -dong, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong)
129511 Daeyoung P & G Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Cosmetics 31, Wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Korea Hapsum Co., Ltd.)
129512 Before treatment Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Industrial automatic control equipment 134, 4th floor 402, 403 (Songjeong -dong)
129513 Daewoong Tech Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Mechanical parts 100, 474beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong)
129514 Daewon Carline Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Copper plate, gold leaf treatment 31, Wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Korea Hapsum Co., Ltd.)
129515 Daejin wool Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Woolen fabric 37, 126beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Jayoung Co., Ltd.)
129516 Daeho precision Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Electronics, machinery parts 31, Wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Korea Hapsum Co., Ltd.)
129517 Double S Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Mechanical parts 31, Wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Korea Hapsum Co., Ltd.)
129518 The Vision Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex LED lighting, UV special lighting, lighting control device, etc. 530, 1 -dong, 704, 705, 706 (Songjeong -dong)
129519 Dusys Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Food waste processor 31, Wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong)
129520 Donggwang Industrial Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Road sliding protection gun, coating floor flooring, etc. 31, Wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong)

番号 会社名 複雑 製品 工場住所
129501 KS化学 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 化学物質(添加物) 134、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do、134、Sejung Techno Valley 9th Floor 913、B110(Songjeong -dong)
129502 SMエンジニアリング Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 自動化パネル 134、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -Do、501、5階のSejung Techno Valley(Songjeong -dong)
129503 S精度 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 31、wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong、Korea Hapsum Co.、Ltd。)
129504 美容コラーゲン Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 化粧品、健康機能食品、大麦茶 134、1 -Dong、1 -Dong、5階、503、503、506(Songjeong -Dong、Sejung Techno Valley)
129505 Gyeongyang Tech Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 自動化パネル 134、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do、134、814、815(Songjeong -dong)
129506 Goeun材料 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 磁気関連アプリケーション 134、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do 1503、1503、15階、Sejung Techno Valley(Songjeong -dong)
129507 Geumgangワイヤー Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex ダイヤモンドツールパーツ 49、126beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -Dong、Chogwang Industrial)
129508 計画の共有 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 印刷、アクリルトリビュート、本、コマーシャルラベル 134、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do、614、615(Songjeong -dong)
129509 Nature Costech Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 化粧品原料、医療機器(フィラー)材料 530、Jikji -Daero、Heungdeok -Gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do 513(Songjeong -dong)
129510 Daegun Company Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 反射シート 715、715、7階、1 -Dong、Heungdeok -Gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong)
129511 Daeyoung P&G Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 化粧品 31、wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong、Korea Hapsum Co.、Ltd。)
129512 治療前 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 産業用自動制御機器 134、4th Floor 402、403(Songjeong -Dong)
129513 Daewoong Tech Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 機械部品 100、474beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong)
129514 Daewon Carline Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 銅板、金の葉の治療 31、wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong、Korea Hapsum Co.、Ltd。)
129515 デジンウール Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex ウール生地 37、126beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong、Jayoung、Ltd。)
129516 Daeho Precision Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 電子機器、機械部品 31、wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong、Korea Hapsum Co.、Ltd。)
129517 ダブルs Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 機械部品 31、wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong、Korea Hapsum Co.、Ltd。)
129518 ビジョン Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex LED照明、UV特殊照明、照明制御装置など。 530、1 -Dong、704、705、706(Songjeong -Dong)
129519 dusys Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 食品廃棄物プロセッサ 31、wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong)
129520 Donggwang Industrial Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 道路滑り防止銃、コーティング床の床など。 31、wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong)
