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전국 공장 목록, List of factories in Korea, 韓国全国工場一覧 (3483)

by xps4 2023. 5. 17.

순번 회사명 단지명 생산품 공장주소
129641 하이엔바이로(주) 청주지방산업단지 TMS분석용 시약류 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 직지대로 442, 1동 1층 106호 (송정동)
129642 한국도자기(주) 청주지방산업단지 도자기 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 월명로55번길 100 (송정동)
129643 한국도자기(주)본차2부 청주지방산업단지 도자기 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 직지대로435번길 26 (송정동, 한국도자기(주))
129644 한국도자기(주)슈퍼2부 청주지방산업단지 도자기 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 직지대로435번길 57 (송정동, 한국도자기)
129645 한국도자기(주)인쇄1부 청주지방산업단지 전사지.명판 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 월명로55번길 100 (송정동)
129646 한국도자기(주)제토제형부 청주지방산업단지 도자기 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 직지대로436번길 76 (송정동, 한국도자기재료공장)
129647 한국도키멕(주) 청주지방산업단지 유압밸브, 유압기기 부품 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로 134, 1동 7층 711 (송정동, 세중테크노밸리)
129648 한국사료향미양행 청주지방산업단지 보조사료 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 산단로 43 (송정동)
129649 한국야금(주) 청주지방산업단지 초경합금공구 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 산단로 55 (송정동, 한국야금)
129650 한국합섬(주)1공장 청주지방산업단지 면장갑 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 월명로75번길 27 (송정동)
129651 한국합섬(주)2공장 청주지방산업단지 면사 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 월명로55번길 31 (송정동, 한국합섬주식회사제2공장)
129652 한백정밀 청주지방산업단지 앤드밀 드릴 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 월명로75번길 27 (송정동)
129653 한세이프(주) 청주지방산업단지 자동화코너,금고,로타리밸브 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 직지대로 454 (송정동)
129654 한양이엔디 청주지방산업단지 산업용기계, 건조기, 송풍기 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로 134, 세중테크노밸리 4층 408호 (송정동)
129655 한울테크 청주지방산업단지 배전반회로 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로 134, 13층 1311호 (송정동, 세중테크노밸리)
129656 한일산업 청주지방산업단지 특수BAG 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로 134, 세중테크노밸리 11층 1106호, 1107호 (송정동)
129657 한일테크 청주지방산업단지 기계부품연삭 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 월명로55번길 31 (송정동, 한국합섬주식회사제2공장)
129658 현 정보시스템 청주지방산업단지 S/W개발 및 공급,자동화설비 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 공단로 134, 세중테크노밸리 14층 1411호 (송정동)
129659 현성와이어 청주지방산업단지 기계부품 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 월명로55번길 31 (송정동, 한국합섬주식회사제2공장)
129660 현성정밀 청주지방산업단지 기계부품 가공 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 월명로75번길 27 (송정동, (주)한국합성)

Num Company Name Complex Product Factory address
129641 High Enviro Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex TMS analysis reagents 442, 1 -dong, 1 -dong, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong)
129642 Korean ceramics Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex ceramic 100 Wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong)
129643 Korean Ceramics Co., Ltd. Part 2 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex ceramic 26, 435beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Korean Ceramics Co., Ltd.)
129644 Korea Pottery Co., Ltd. Super Part 2 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex ceramic 57, 435beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Korean Ceramics)
129645 Korea Pottery Co., Ltd. Print 1 copy Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Warrior magazine. 100 Wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong)
129646 Korean Pottery Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex ceramic 76, 436beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Korean Ceramic Materials Factory)
129647 Korea also Kimk Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Hydraulic valve, hydraulic device parts 711, 711, 7th floor, 1 -dong, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Sejung Techno Valley)
129648 Korean feed flavoring Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Auxiliary feed 43, Sandan -ro, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong)
129649 Korea Metallurgy Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Cycled Gold Gum 55, Sandan -ro, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Korea metallurgy)
129650 Korea Hapseom Co., Ltd. 1 Factory Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Gap 27, Wolmyeong -ro 75beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong)
129651 Korea Hapseom Co., Ltd. 2 Factory Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Cotton 31, Wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Korea Hapsum Co., Ltd.)
129652 One hundred precision Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Andmill Drill 27, Wolmyeong -ro 75beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong)
129653 Han Safe Co., Ltd. Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Automation corner, safe, Rotary valve 454, Jikji -daero, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong)
129654 Hanyang Endie Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Industrial machinery, dryer, blower 134, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do, 408, 4th floor of Sejung Techno Valley (Songjeong -dong)
129655 Hanul Tech Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Distribution half circuit 134, 13th floor 1311, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Sejung Techno Valley)
129656 Korea -Japan industry Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Special Bag 134, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do 1106, 1107 (Songjeong -dong)
129657 Hanil Tech Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Machine parts 31, Wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Korea Hapsum Co., Ltd.)
129658 Current information system Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex S/W development and supply, automation facility 134, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do, 134, Sejung Techno Valley 14th floor 1411 (Songjeong -dong)
129659 Hyunseong Wire Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Mechanical parts 31, Wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Korea Hapsum Co., Ltd.)
129660 Hyunseong precision Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Mechanical parts processing 27, Wolmyeong -ro 75beon -gil, Heungdeok -gu, Cheongju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Songjeong -dong, Korea Synthesis)

番号 会社名 複雑 製品 工場住所
129641 High Enviro Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex TMS分析試薬 442、1 -dong、1 -dong、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong)
129642 Korean Ceramics Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex セラミック 100 wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong)
129643 Korean Ceramics Co.、Ltd。パート2 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex セラミック 26、435beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong、Korean Ceramics Co.、Ltd。)
129644 Korea Pottery Co.、Ltd。Super Part 2 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex セラミック 57、435beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong、Korean Ceramics)
129645 Korea Pottery Co.、Ltd。プリント1コピー Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex Warrior Magazine。 100 wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong)
129646 Korean Pottery Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex セラミック 76、436beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong、韓国のセラミック材料工場)
129647 韓国もキムク社、株式会社 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 油圧バルブ、油圧デバイス部品 711、711、7階、1 -Dong、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong、Sejung Techno Valley)
129648 韓国の飼料フレーバー Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 補助フィード 43、Sandan -ro、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong)
129649 Korea Metallurgy Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex サイクリングゴールドガム 55、Sandan -ro、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -Dong、韓国冶金)
129650 Korea Hapseom Co.、Ltd。1工場 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex ギャップ 27、wolmyeong -ro 75beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong)
129651 Korea Hapseom Co.、Ltd。2工場 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex コットン 31、wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong、Korea Hapsum Co.、Ltd。)
129652 100の精度 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex アンドミルドリル 27、wolmyeong -ro 75beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong)
129653 Han Safe Co.、Ltd。 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 自動化コーナー、安全、ロータリーバルブ 454、Jikji -Daero、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong)
129654 ハニャン・エンディ Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 工業機械、乾燥機、ブロワー 134、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do、408、4階、Sejung Techno Valley(Songjeong -dong)
129655 Hanul Tech Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 分布ハーフ回路 134、13階1311、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -Do(Songjeong -Dong、Sejung Techno Valley)
129656 韓国 - 日本産業 Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 特別なバッグ 134、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do 1106、1107(Songjeong -dong)
129657 ハニルテック Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 機材 31、wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong、Korea Hapsum Co.、Ltd。)
129658 現在の情報システム Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex S/Wの開発と供給、自動化施設 134、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do、134、Sejung Techno Valley 14th Floor 1411(Songjeong -dong)
129659 Hyunseongワイヤー Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 機械部品 31、wolmyeong -ro 55beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong、Korea Hapsum Co.、Ltd。)
129660 Hyunseong Precision Cheongju Regional Industrial Complex 機械部品処理 27、wolmyeong -ro 75beon -gil、Heungdeok -gu、Cheongju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Songjeong -dong、韓国合成)
