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전국 공장 목록, List of factories in Korea, 韓国全国工場一覧 (3592)

by elll888 2023. 5. 17.

순번 회사명 단지명 생산품 공장주소
131821 (주)원창금속 충주제3지방산업단지 자동차 부품 외 충청북도 충주시 충주산단1로 10, (제3산단) (목행동)
131822 (주)원창메탈 충주제3지방산업단지 단조제품,금형,기타금속제품 충청북도 충주시 충주산단1로 34-3, (제3산업단지) (목행동)
131823 (주)원창정밀 충주제3지방산업단지 절삭가공 충청북도 충주시 충주산단1로 4 (목행동)
131824 (주)중원인더스트리 충주제1지방산업단지 고철가공품(알루미늄,스테인레스,동선케이블,가전제품,차량해체부산물,금속캔 외) 충청북도 충주시 목행산단7로 10, (제1산업단지) (제1산업단지) (목행동)
131825 (주)지앤피1공장(목행) 충주제2지방산업단지 집합선,석도선,권선 충청북도 충주시 국원대로 448, (제2산업단지) (제2산업단지) (목행동) (총 3 필지) (총 3 필지)
131826 (주)케이세웅건설 충주제4지방산업단지 건축용PC부재 충청북도 충주시 충주산단1로 68, (제4산단) (목행동) (총 2 필지)
131827 사빅코리아 유한회사 충주제1지방산업단지 Xenoy, Lexan, Cycoloy,Noryl 충청북도 충주시 국원대로 488, (제1산업단지) (목행동)
131828 삼화전기(주) 충주제1지방산업단지 콘덴서 충청북도 충주시 국원대로 524, (제1산업단지) (제1산업단지) (목행동)
131829 서울식품공업(주) 충주제1지방산업단지 빵류 외 충청북도 충주시 충원대로 862, (제1산업단지) (제1산업단지) (목행동) (총 10 필지) (총 10 필지)
131830 신우 충주제3지방산업단지 단조품 충청북도 충주시 충주산단1로 34-3 (목행동)
131831 써니전자(주) 충주제1지방산업단지 수정진동자, 수정발진기, 수정필터 충청북도 충주시 목행산단2로 59, (제1산업단지) (목행동)
131832 원창홀딩스 충주제3지방산업단지 철강, 기계 충청북도 충주시 충주산단1로 22-20 (목행동)
131833 주식회사 종이나라 충주제1지방산업단지 색종이,고체풀 충청북도 충주시 목행산단2로 42, (제1산업단지) (목행동) (총 2 필지)
131834 합동산업 충주제1지방산업단지 자동덮개, 적재함및버켓제작 충청북도 충주시 목행산단3로 48, (제1산업단지) (제1산업단지) (목행동)
131835 주식회사 보성테크놀로지 금속금형 충청북도 충주시 순터골길 17-1 (용탄동)
131836 (주) 중원 지.엘.비 충주용탄농공단지 pe film coating 충청북도 충주시 용탄농공1길 6 (용탄동)
131837 (주)TNP 충주제2지방산업단지 펀치,트리밍다이스 등 충청북도 충주시 충주산단1로 185, (제2산업단지) (제2산업단지) (용탄동)
131838 (주)나노이닉스 충주제2지방산업단지 고분자전도성필름및광학용코팅필름 충청북도 충주시 충주산단6로 47, (제2산업단지) (제2산업단지) (용탄동)
131839 (주)대성수출포장 충주제2지방산업단지 목상자 충청북도 충주시 충주산단2로 96, (제2산업단지) (제2산업단지) (용탄동)
131840 (주)동남하이테크 충주제2지방산업단지 금속코팅 충청북도 충주시 충주산단1로 185, (제2산업단지) (제2산업단지) (용탄동)

Num Company Name Complex Product Factory address
131821 Wonchang Metal Co., Ltd. Chungju Festival 3 Regional Industrial Complex Other than auto parts 10, (3rd Industrial Complex), Chungju -si, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (3rd Industrial Complex)
131822 Wonchang Metal Co., Ltd. Chungju Festival 3 Regional Industrial Complex Forging products, molds, other metal products 34-3, (3rd Industrial Complex), Chungju-si, Chungju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do (3rd Industrial Complex)
131823 Wonchang Precision Co., Ltd. Chungju Festival 3 Regional Industrial Complex Cutting Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do, Chungju -si, Chungju -si, Chungju -si, 1 -ro 4 (Mokjong -dong)
131824 Jungwon Industries Co., Ltd. Chungju Festival 1 Regional Industrial Complex Schiles (aluminum, stainless steel, copper cable, home appliance, vehicle dismantling by -products, metal cans) 10, 10 (first industrial complex) (first industrial complex) (first industrial complex) (first industrial complex)
131825 G & P 1 Plant Co., Ltd. Chungju Festival 2 Regional Industrial Complex Set line, Seokdo Line, winding 448, Kukwon -daero, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (2nd Industrial Complex) (2nd Industrial Complex) (Mokjong -dong) (3 parcels) (3 parcels)
131826 Keiseung Construction Co., Ltd. Chungju Festival 4 Regional Industrial Complex Absence 68 (4th Industrial Complex), Chungju -si, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do, 68 (4th Industrial Complex)
131827 Savic Korea Co., Ltd. Chungju Festival 1 Regional Industrial Complex Xenoy, Lexan, Cycoloy, Noryl 488, Kukwon -daero, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (first industrial complex)
131828 Samhwa Electric Co., Ltd. Chungju Festival 1 Regional Industrial Complex Condenser 524, Kukwon -daero, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (first industrial complex) (first industrial complex)
131829 Seoul Food Industry Co., Ltd. Chungju Festival 1 Regional Industrial Complex Bread and other 862, Chungwon -daero, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (first industrial complex) (first industrial complex) (10 parcels) (10 parcels) (10 parcels)
131830 pelvis of the kidney Chungju Festival 3 Regional Industrial Complex Forging 34-3, Chungju-si, Chungju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do
131831 Sunny Electronics Co., Ltd. Chungju Festival 1 Regional Industrial Complex Crystal vibrator, crystal oscillator, crystal filter 59, (1st Industrial Complex), Chungju -si, Chungju -si, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do, (1st Industrial Complex)
131832 Wonchang Holdings Chungju Festival 3 Regional Industrial Complex Steel, machine 22-20, Chungju-si, Chungju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do
131833 Paper Country Co., Ltd. Chungju Festival 1 Regional Industrial Complex Solidated paper, solid grass 42, (1 Industrial Complex) (Mokjong -dong) (2 parcels), Chungcheongbuk -do, Chungcheongbuk -do
131834 Joint industry Chungju Festival 1 Regional Industrial Complex Automatic cover, loading box and bucket production 48, (first industrial complex) (first industrial complex) (first industrial complex) (Mokjong -dong), Chungcheongbuk -do
131835 Boseong Technology Co., Ltd.   Metal mold 17-1, Sundorgol-gil, Chungju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do (Yongtan-dong)
131836 Jungwon Ji. Chungju Yongtan Farming Complex PE Film Coating Yongtan Agricultural 1 -gil, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Yongtan -dong)
131837 TNP Co., Ltd. Chungju Festival 2 Regional Industrial Complex Punch, Trimming Dice, etc. 185, (2nd Industrial Complex), Chungju -si, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (2nd Industrial Complex) (2nd Industrial Complex) (Yongtan -dong)
131838 Nanoinix Co., Ltd. Chungju Festival 2 Regional Industrial Complex Win -Melronous Film and Optical Coating Film 47, 47, Chungju Industrial Complex 6 -ro, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (2nd Industrial Complex) (2nd Industrial Complex) (Yongtan -dong)
131839 Daesung Export Packaging Co., Ltd. Chungju Festival 2 Regional Industrial Complex Wooden box 96, (2nd Industrial Complex), Chungju -si, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (2nd Industrial Complex) (2nd Industrial Complex) (Yongtan -dong)
131840 Southeast High Tech Co., Ltd. Chungju Festival 2 Regional Industrial Complex Metal coating 185, (2nd Industrial Complex), Chungju -si, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (2nd Industrial Complex) (2nd Industrial Complex) (Yongtan -dong)

番号 会社名 複雑 製品 工場住所
131821 Wonchang Metal Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Festival 3地域工業団地 自動部品以外 10、(第3産業複合体)、Chungju -si、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(第3産業複合体)
131822 Wonchang Metal Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Festival 3地域工業団地 製品、カビ、その他の金属製品の鍛造 34-3、(第3産業複合体)、Chungju-Si、Chungju-Si、Chungcheongbuk-do(第3産業複合施設)
131823 Wonchang Precision Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Festival 3地域工業団地 切断 Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do、Chungju -si、Chungju -si、Chungju -si、1 -ro 4(Mokjong -dong)
131824 Jungwon Industries Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Festival 1地域工業団地 Schiles(アルミニウム、ステンレス鋼、銅ケーブル、家電、車両の分解 - 製品、金属缶) 10、10(最初の産業複合体)(ファーストインダストリアルコンプレックス)(ファーストインダストリアルコンプレックス)(ファーストインダストリアルコンプレックス)
131825 G&P 1 Plant Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Festival 2地域工業団地 セットライン、Seokdo Line、Winding 448、Kukwon -Daero、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(2nd Industrial Complex)(2nd Industrial Complex)(Mokjong -Dong)(3区画)(3区画)(3区画)
131826 Keiseung Construction Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Festival 4地域工業団地 不在 68(第4産業複合体)、Chungju -si、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -Do、68(第4工業用複合施設)
131827 Savic Korea Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Festival 1地域工業団地 Xenoy、Lexan、Cycoloy、Noryl 488、Kukwon -Daero、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(First Industrial Complex)
131828 Samhwa Electric Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Festival 1地域工業団地 コンデンサー 524、Kukwon -Daero、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(First Industrial Complex)(First Industrial Complex)
131829 Seoul Food Industry Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Festival 1地域工業団地 パンとその他 862、Chungwon -Daero、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(First Industrial Complex)(First Industrial Complex)(10個の区画)(10個の区画)(10個の区画)(10個の区画)
131830 腎臓の骨盤 Chungju Festival 3地域工業団地 鍛造 34-3、Chungju-Si、Chungju-Si、Chungcheongbuk-Do
131831 Sunny Electronics Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Festival 1地域工業団地 クリスタルバイブレーター、クリスタルオシレーター、クリスタルフィルター 59、(第1産業複合体)、Chungju -si、Chungju -si、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do、(第1産業複合体)
131832 Wonchang Holdings Chungju Festival 3地域工業団地 スチール、マシン 22-20、Chungju-Si、Chungju-Si、Chungcheongbuk-Do
131833 Paper Country Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Festival 1地域工業団地 固化紙、固体草 42、(1つの工業用複合施設)(モキョン-dong)(2個の区画)、Chungcheongbuk -do、Chungcheongbuk -do
131834 共同産業 Chungju Festival 1地域工業団地 自動カバー、ロードボックス、バケットの生産 48、(First Industrial Complex)(First Industrial Complex)(First Industrial Complex)(Mokjong -Dong)、Chungcheongbuk -do
131835 Boseong Technology Co.、Ltd。   金属型 17-1、Sundorgol-Gil、Chungju-Si、Chungcheongbuk-Do(Yongtan-Dong)
131836 ジョンウォンジ。 チョンジュヨンタン農業施設 PEフィルムコーティング Yongtan Agricultural 1 -Gil、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(Yongtan -dong)
131837 Tnp Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Festival 2地域工業団地 パンチ、ダイスのトリミングなど 185、(第2産業複合体)、Chungju -si、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(2番目の産業複合体)(2番目の産業複合体)(Yongtan -dong)
131838 Nanoinix Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Festival 2地域工業団地 Win -melronous Filmおよび光コーティングフィルム 47、47、Chungju Industrial Complex 6 -Ro、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(第2工業施設)(2番目の産業複合体)(Yongtan -dong)
131839 Daesung Export Packaging Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Festival 2地域工業団地 木箱 96、(第2産業複合体)、Chungju -si、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -Do(2番目の産業施設)(2番目の産業複合体)(Yongtan -dong)
131840 Southeast High Tech Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Festival 2地域工業団地 金属コーティング 185、(第2産業複合体)、Chungju -si、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do(2番目の産業複合体)(2番目の産業複合体)(Yongtan -dong)
