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전국 공장 목록, List of factories in Korea, 韓国全国工場一覧 (3609)

by elll888 2023. 5. 17.

순번 회사명 단지명 생산품 공장주소
132161 (주)니드필 충주첨단지방산업단지 프리즘 및 광학렌즈 원료 충청북도 충주시 대소원면 첨단산업7로 31, (충주첨단산업단지)
132162 (주)대유에스이 충주첨단지방산업단지 태양광 모듈 충청북도 충주시 대소원면 첨단산업1로 136, (충주 첨단산업단지)
132163 (주)서울금속 충주첨단지방산업단지 초소형정밀 스크류, 샤프트, 스프링등 충청북도 충주시 대소원면 첨단산업2로 63, [충주첨단산업단지]
132164 (주)엘콤 충주첨단지방산업단지 하이브리드자동차용이차전지부품 충청북도 충주시 대소원면 첨단산업3로 85, (충주 첨단산업단지)
132165 (주)우조하이텍 충주첨단지방산업단지 폴리에틸렌글리콜,폴리프로필렌글리콜 충청북도 충주시 대소원면 첨단산업1로 215, (충주첨단산업단지)
132166 (주)이엠티 충주첨단지방산업단지 이차전지 부품 충청북도 충주시 대소원면 첨단산업3로 85-1
132167 (주)인팩 충주첨단지방산업단지 전자식주차브레이크 충청북도 충주시 대소원면 첨단산업3로 105
132168 (주)전성 충주첨단지방산업단지 자동차 조향장치부품, 샤프트 충청북도 충주시 대소원면 첨단산업1로 146, (첨단산업단지)
132169 (주)코이즈 충주첨단지방산업단지 LCD용 보호필름, 광학용필름 충청북도 충주시 대소원면 첨단산업로 146, (충주첨단산업단지)
132170 (주)테크피아 충주첨단지방산업단지 전자부품보호필름 충청북도 충주시 대소원면 첨단산업2로 56, (충주첨단산업단지)
132171 (주)텔콘알에프제약 충주첨단지방산업단지 아토피연고, 항진균제연고 충청북도 충주시 대소원면 첨단산업1로 120, (본리)
132172 (주)투에이치 충주첨단지방산업단지 플라스틱상자, 플라스틱파렛트 충청북도 충주시 대소원면 본리 610번지
132173 (주)퍼스트칼라 충주공장 충주첨단지방산업단지 안료(나노기술적용) 충청북도 충주시 대소원면 첨단산업6로 32
132174 가스탱크코리아주식회사 충주첨단지방산업단지 복합재료용기 충청북도 충주시 대소원면 첨단산업3로 57, (첨단산업단지)
132175 대신전선(주) 충주첨단지방산업단지 전력,통신,제어케이블 및 와이어 충청북도 충주시 대소원면 첨단산업6로 25, (충주첨단산업단지)
132176 리컴(주)충주지점 충주첨단지방산업단지 산화텅스텐,탄화텅스텐,초경합금소재제품 충청북도 충주시 대소원면 첨단산업1로 203, (본리 600)
132177 삼호중장비산업(주) 충주첨단지방산업단지 정밀유공압펌프, 밸브 및 AC/DC 서보모터, EGR쿨러 충청북도 충주시 대소원면 첨단산업2로 83, 첨단산업단지
132178 성진산업 충주첨단지방산업단지 합성수지 지중 전선관 충청북도 충주시 대소원면 첨단산업6로 64
132179 신원인슈텍 주식회사 충주첨단지방산업단지 스티로폴 단열,차음,포장재 충청북도 충주시 대소원면 첨단산업3로 86-1
132180 신원화학(주) 충주첨단지방산업단지 스티로폴포장재, 완충재, 단열재 충청북도 충주시 대소원면 첨단산업3로 86

Num Company Name Complex Product Factory address
132161 Need Pil Co., Ltd. Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex Prism and optical lens raw material 31 -ro, high -tech industry 7, Daewon -myeon, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do, 31, (Chungju Advanced Industrial Complex)
132162 Daeyu Si Co., Ltd. Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex Solar modules 136, 1 -ro, Daewon -myeon, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do, 136, (Chungju Advanced Industrial Complex)
132163 Seoul Metal Co., Ltd. Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex Ultra -compact precision screw, shaft, spring, etc. 63, high -tech industry 2, Daewon -myeon, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do, 63, [Chungju Advanced Industrial Complex]
132164 Elcom Co., Ltd. Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex This car battery part for hybrid cars 85, 85, Daewon -myeon, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do, 85, (Chungju Advanced Industrial Complex)
132165 Woojo Hitech Co., Ltd. Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex Polyethylene glycol, polypropylene glycol 215, high -tech industry 1 -ro, Daewon -myeon, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do, 215 (Chungju Advanced Industrial Complex)
132166 EMT Co., Ltd. Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex Secondary battery parts 85-1, the high-tech industry 3-ro, Daewon-myeon, Chungju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do
132167 In Pack Co., Ltd. Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex Electronic parking brake 105, a high -tech industry 3 -ro, Daesowon -myeon, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do
132168 Allness Co., Ltd. Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex Car steering equipment parts, shaft 146, high -tech industry 1 -ro, Daewon -myeon, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do, 146 (high -tech industrial complex)
132169 Coise Co., Ltd. Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex Protective film for LCD, optical film 146, high -tech industries in Daewon -myeon, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do (Chungju Advanced Industrial Complex)
132170 Tech Pia Co., Ltd. Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex Electronic parts protection film 56, 56, Daewon -myeon, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do, 56, (Chungju Advanced Industrial Complex)
132171 Telcon Alf Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex Atopy, antifungal 120, 1 -ro, a high -tech industry, Daewon -myeon, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do
132172 Tuha Co., Ltd. Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex Plastic box, plastic pallet 610 Bonni, Daesowon -myeon, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do
132173 First Color Chungju Factory Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex Pigment (nanotechnology application) 32, high -tech industry 6 -ro, Daesowon -myeon, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do
132174 Gas Tank Korea Co., Ltd. Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex Composite 57, high -tech industrial 3 -ro, Daewon -myeon, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do, 57, (Advanced Industrial Complex)
132175 Instead, Cable Co., Ltd. Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex Power, communication, control cable and wire 25 -way high -tech industrial 6, Daewon -myeon, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do, 25, (Chungju Advanced Industrial Complex)
132176 LeeCom Co., Ltd. Chungju Branch Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex Tungsten oxide, tungsten, ultra -turmeric gold materials 203, high -tech industry 1 -ro, Daewon -myeon, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do, 203, (600)
132177 Samho heavy equipment industry Co., Ltd. Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex Precision of precision purple pump, valve and AC/DC servo motor, EGR cooler 83, high -tech industrial 2 -ro, Daewon -myeon, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do, 83, high -tech industrial complex
132178 Seongjin Industrial Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex Synthetic Resin Underground Fruit Museum 64, 64 -ro, a high -tech industry, Daesowon -myeon, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do
132179 Shin Won -in Stek Co., Ltd. Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex Styrofol insulation, sound insulation, packaging material 86-1, high-tech industry 3-ro, Daesowon-myeon, Chungju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do
132180 Shinwon Chemistry Co., Ltd. Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex Styropol packaging material, cushioning material, insulation material 86, a high -tech industry 3 -ro, Daesowon -myeon, Chungju -si, Chungcheongbuk -do

番号 会社名 複雑 製品 工場住所
132161 PIL Co.、Ltdが必要です。 Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex プリズムと光学レンズ原料 31 -ro、高テック産業7、ダウォン-Myeon、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -Do、31、(Chungju Advanced Industrial Complex)
132162 Daeyu SI Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex ソーラーモジュール 136、1 -ro、daewon -myeon、chungju -si、chungcheongbuk -do、136、(Chungju Advanced Industrial Complex)
132163 Seoul Metal Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex ultra -compact精密ネジ、シャフト、スプリングなど。 63、ハイテック産業2、ダウォン-Myeon、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -Do、63、[Chungju Advanced Industrial Complex]
132164 Elcom Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex ハイブリッド車用のこの車のバッテリー部品 85、85、Daewon -Myeon、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -Do、85、(Chungju Advanced Industrial Complex)
132165 Woojo Hitech Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex ポリエチレングリコール、ポリプロピレングリコール 215、High -Tech Industry 1 -Ro、Daewon -Myeon、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -Do、215(Chungju Advanced Industrial Complex)
132166 EMT Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex 二次バッテリー部品 85-1、ハイテク産業3-Ro、ダウォン・マイオン、チョンジュシ、Chungcheongbuk-Do
132167 In Pack Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex 電子駐車ブレーキ 105、ハイテック業界3 -ro、daesowon -myeon、chungju -si、chungcheongbuk -do
132168 Allness Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex 車のステアリング機器部品、シャフト 146、High -Tech Industry 1 -Ro、Daewon -Myeon、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -Do、146(高テック工業団地)
132169 Coise Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex LCDの保護フィルム、光膜 146、Daewonの高テック産業-Myeon、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -Do(Chungju Advanced Industrial Complex)
132170 Tech Pia Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex 電子部品保護フィルム 56、56、Daewon -Myeon、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do、56、(Chungju Advanced Industrial Complex)
132171 Telcon Alf Pharmaceutical Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex アトピー、抗真菌 120、1 -Ro、高テック産業、ダウォン-Myeon、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do
132172 Tuha Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex プラスチックボックス、プラスチックパレット 610ボンニ、デーソウォン-Myeon、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do
132173 最初の色のチョンジュ工場 Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex 顔料(ナノテクノロジーアプリケーション) 32、ハイテック産業6 -ro、daesowon -myeon、chungju -si、chungcheongbuk -do
132174 Gas Tank Korea Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex 複合 57、High -Tech Industrial 3 -Ro、Daewon -Myeon、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do、57、(Advanced Industrial Complex)
132175 代わりに、Cable Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex 電源、通信、制御ケーブル、ワイヤー 25 -way High -Tech Industrial 6、Daewon -Myeon、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do、25、(Chungju Advanced Industrial Complex)
132176 Leecom Co.、Ltd。Chungju Branch Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex タングステン酸化物、タングステン、ウルトラターマリックゴールド材料 203、ハイテック産業1 -RO、ダウォン-Myeon、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk、203、(600)
132177 Samho Heavy Equipment Industry Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex 精密紫色のポンプ、バルブ、AC/DCサーボモーターの精度、EGRクーラー 83、ハイテック工業2 -ro、ダウォン - メイオン、チョンジュ-si、chungcheongbuk -do、83、高テック工業団地
132178 Seongjin Industrial Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex 合成樹脂地下果物博物館 64、64 -ro、高テック産業、Daesowon -Myeon、Chungju -si、Chungcheongbuk -do
132179 シンは-In Stek Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex スチレロホル断熱材、健全な断熱材、包装材料 86-1、ハイテク産業3-Ro、Daesowon-Myeon、Chungju-Si、Chungcheongbuk-Do
132180 Shinwon Chemistry Co.、Ltd。 Chungju Advanced Field Industrial Complex スタイロポール包装材料、クッション材料、断熱材 86、ハイテック業界3 -ro、daesowon -myeon、chungju -si、chungcheongbuk -do
