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전국 공장 목록, List of factories in Korea, 韓国全国工場一覧 (3935)

by xpsnate 2023. 5. 17.

순번 회사명 단지명 생산품 공장주소
138681 (주)이알테크 천안백석농공단지 건축용판넬 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단3길 55 (백석동)
138682 (주)이지테크 천안백석농공단지 자동제어반및 수배전반 등 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단3길 12, 1동 2층 (백석동)
138683 (주)정광 천안백석농공단지 철제박스,프레임 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 69 (백석동)
138684 (주)제이케이코어 천안제3지방산업단지 데이터수집 단말장치 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 A동 1011호 (백석동)
138685 (주)제일인더스트리 천안제3지방산업단지 전자기계제어장치 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 M동 427호 (백석동)
138686 (주)주환바이오.셀 천안백석농공단지 화장품, 식품 충청남도 천안시서북구 백석동 555-30번지
138687 (주)주환바이오.셀 천안외국인투자지역 화장품 충청남도 천안시 서북구 3공단2로 30 (백석동)
138688 (주)지이글로벌 천안백석농공단지 액체정화용필터모듈, 하수정화장비, 폐수처리기 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 69 (백석동)
138689 (주)진화기계 천안백석농공단지 사출성형기 충청남도 천안시서북구 백석동 555-12번지
138690 (주)청명환경시스템 천안제3지방산업단지 LCD장비프로파일 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 B동 502호 (백석동)
138691 (주)쵸이스코스메틱 천안백석농공단지 화장품 충청남도 천안시서북구 백석동 555-45번지
138692 (주)케이셈 천안제3지방산업단지 반도체 후공정장비 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 M동 209호 (백석동)
138693 (주)케이에스텍 천안백석농공단지 영상, 음향기기 충청남도 천안시서북구 백석동 555-31 번지 2동
138694 (주)케이엠에스엔지니어링 천안제3지방산업단지 디스플레이용 측정기 및 반도체장비관련 unit ass'y 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 A동 704, 705호 (백석동)
138695 (주)케이원전자 천안백석농공단지 Pngen부품 충청남도 천안시서북구 백석동 555-21번지
138696 (주)켐코 천안백석농공단지 기능성접착테이프,전자부품용 테이프, 자동차내장용 테이프 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단3길 33 (백석동)
138697 (주)코디엠 천안외국인투자지역 반도체 장비 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단2길 62 (백석동, 오에프티(주)천안공장)
138698 (주)태인테크 천안제3지방산업단지 반도체 검사장비 부품 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 M동 306호 (백석동)
138699 (주)테라웍스 천안백석농공단지 PCB, ASSY 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 42, 1층 101호~102호 (백석동)
138700 (주)테바 천안백석농공단지 1회용 싱크대 거름망 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 42 (백석동)

Num Company Name Complex Product Factory address
138681 IR Tech Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Building panel 55, Baekseok Industrial Complex 3 -gil, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do (Baekseok -dong)
138682 Easy Tech Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Automatic control panel and overwhelming, etc. 2F, 2F, Baekseok Industrial Complex 3 -gil, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do (Baekseok -dong)
138683 Jeonggwang Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Steel box, frame 69 (Baekseok -dong), Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do
138684 JK Core Co., Ltd. Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex Data collection terminal device Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 1011 (Baekseok -dong)
138685 Cheil Industries Co., Ltd. Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex Electronic machine control device Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 10, Cheonan Future Ace Hi -Tech City M -dong 427 (Baekseok -dong)
138686 Juhwan Bio. Cell Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Cosmetics, food 555-30, Baekseok-dong, Buk-gu, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do
138687 Juhwan Bio. Cell Cheonan Foreign Investment Area cosmetics 30, 3 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do (Baekseok -dong)
138688 G -Global Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Filter module for liquid purification, sewage fixing equipment, wastewater handlers 69 (Baekseok -dong), Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do
138689 Evolutionary Machine Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Injection molding machine 555-12, Baekseok-dong, Buk-gu, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do
138690 Cheongmyeong Environment System Co., Ltd. Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex LCD equipment profile Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 10, Cheonan Future Ace Hi -Tech City B -dong 502 (Baekseok -dong)
138691 Choice Cosmetics Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex cosmetics 555-45, Baekseok-dong, Buk-gu, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do
138692 Kasem Co., Ltd. Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex Semiconductor Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 109, Cheonan Mirae Ace Hi -Tech City M -dong (Baekseok -dong)
138693 K -Estec Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Video, sound equipment 2-dong, 555-31, Baekseok-dong, Buk-gu, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do
138694 KMS Engineering Co., Ltd. Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex Unit as'y for display meters and semiconductor equipment Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro 10 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 704, 705 (Baekseok -dong)
138695 K -One Electronics Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Pngen parts 555-21, Baekseok-dong, Buk-gu, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do
138696 Kemko Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Functional adhesive tape, tape for electronic parts, intestinal tape in automobiles 33, Baekseok Industrial Complex 3 -gil, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do (Baekseok -dong)
138697 CODM Co., Ltd. Cheonan Foreign Investment Area Semiconductor equipment 62, Baekseok Industrial Complex 2 -gil, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do (Baekseok -dong, OFT)
138698 Taein Tech Co., Ltd. Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex Semiconductor inspection equipment parts Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 106 Cheonan Mirae Ace Hi -Tech City M -dong (Baekseok -dong)
138699 TerraWorks Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex PCB, Assy Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro 42, 1st floor 101 ~ 102 (Baekseok -dong)
138700 Teva Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Disposable sink Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro 42 (Baekseok -dong)

番号 会社名 複雑 製品 工場住所
138681 IR Tech Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 建物パネル 55、Baekseok Industrial Complex 3 -Gil、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do(Baekseok -dong)
138682 Easy Tech Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 自動コントロールパネルと圧倒的など 2f、2f、Baekseok Industrial Complex 3 -gil、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do(Baekseok -dong)
138683 Jeonggwang Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex スチールボックス、フレーム 69(Baekseok -dong)、Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do
138684 JK Core Co.、Ltd。 Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 データ収集端子デバイス Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、1011(Baekseok -dong)
138685 Cheil Industries Co.、Ltd。 Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 電子機械制御デバイス Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、10、Cheonan Future ace Hi -Tech City M -Dong 427(Baekseok -Dong)
138686 JuhwanBio。Cell Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 化粧品、食べ物 555-30、Baekseok-Dong、Buk-Gu、Cheonan、Chungcheongnam-Do
138687 JuhwanBio。Cell チョナン外国投資エリア 化粧品 30、3 -ro、seobuk -gu、cheonan -si、chungcheongnam -do(baekseok -dong)
138688 G -Global Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 液体浄化用のフィルターモジュール、下水固定装置、廃水ハンドラー 69(Baekseok -dong)、Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do
138689 Evolutionary Machine Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 射出成形機 555-12、Baekseok-Dong、Buk-Gu、Cheonan、Chungcheongnam-Do
138690 Cheongmyeong Environment System Co.、Ltd。 Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 LCD機器プロファイル Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、10、Cheonan Future ace Hi -Tech City B -dong 502(Baekseok -dong)
138691 Choice Cosmetics Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 化粧品 555-45、Baekseok-Dong、Buk-Gu、Cheonan、Chungcheongnam-Do
138692 Kasem Co.、Ltd。 Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 半導体 Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、109、Cheonan Mirae ace Hi -Tech City M -dong(Baekseok -dong)
138693 K -estec Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex ビデオ、サウンド機器 2-ドン、555-31、Baekseok-Dong、Buk-Gu、Cheonan、Chungcheongnam-Do
138694 KMS Engineering Co.、Ltd。 Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 ディスプレイメーターおよび半導体機器のためのユニット Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro 10 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -Do、704、705(Baekseok -dong)
138695 K -One Electronics Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex pngen部品 555-21、Baekseok-Dong、Buk-Gu、Cheonan、Chungcheongnam-Do
138696 Kemko Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 機能的接着テープ、電子部品のテープ、自動車の腸テープ 33、Baekseok Industrial Complex 3 -gil、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do(Baekseok -dong)
138697 Codm Co.、Ltd。 チョナン外国投資エリア 半導体機器 62、Baekseok Industrial Complex 2 -Gil、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do(Baekseok -dong、oft)
138698 Taein Tech Co.、Ltd。 Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 半導体検査機器部品 Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、106 Cheonan Mirae Ace Hi -Tech City M -dong(Baekseok -dong)
138699 Terraworks Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex PCB、アッセイ Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro 42、1階101〜102(Baekseok -Dong)
138700 Teva Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 使い捨てシンク Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro 42(Baekseok -Dong)
