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전국 공장 목록, List of factories in Korea, 韓国全国工場一覧 (586)

by Moonshot Luxury 2023. 5. 6.

순번 회사명 단지명 생산품 공장주소
29251 (주)진양정밀 성서5차첨단산업단지 금형 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로4길 23, 성서5차첨단산업단지 32B 2L
29252 (주)코빅 성서5차첨단산업단지 진공코팅장비 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 149, (성서5차단지 1B 7L)
29253 (주)태창금속 성서5차첨단산업단지 모형절단 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 111, 성서5차첨단산업단지 5B 2L
29254 (주)티솔루션 성서5차첨단산업단지 LED램프 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로7길 17-22, 성서5차산업단지 15B 4L
29255 (주)평화발레오 세천공장 성서5차첨단산업단지 더블클러치 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 160, 성서5차첨단산업단지 2B 5L
29256 (주)한남라이팅 성서5차첨단산업단지 가로등,조명기구 등 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 143, (성서5차산업단지내 1B 6L)
29257 (주)한서기전 성서5차첨단산업단지 수.배전반 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 116-2, 성서5차산업단지내 6B 1L (성서5차산업단지내 6B 1L)
29258 (주)해냄씨앤씨 성서5차첨단산업단지 고장력 냉간 압출제품 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 76-16, (5차단지 13B 3L)
29259 (주)혜린기계 성서5차첨단산업단지 중공업부품가공 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 174, (성서5차산업단지내 2B 6L)
29260 (주)홍산 성서5차첨단산업단지 atc(drum magazine,radal piston motor) 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 173, 5차단지 3B 1L
29261 (주)화성스틸 성서5차첨단산업단지 철강절단,기계부품 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 20-8, (성서5차첨단단지 19B 6L)
29262 건일공업주식회사 성서5차첨단산업단지 볼트 외 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로3길 56, (성서5차단지 14B 1L)
29263 경동공업(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 엔진오일스크린장치 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 76-8, (성서5차산업단지 13B 2L)
29264 광동기계 성서5차첨단산업단지 염색기계 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로3길 62-10, (성서5차산업단지내 14B 3L)
29265 구미에이테크솔루션(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 금형정밀부품 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로3길 77, 성서5차산업단지내 6B 3L
29266 네젠텍(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 주형 금형 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 99, 성서5차산업단지내 5B 4L
29267 대경 성서5차첨단산업단지 트로틀바디 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 147, (세천리1662-4,성서5차첨단산업단지 1B 13L)
29268 대아산업 성서5차첨단산업단지 축전지부품 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 120, 성서5차첨단산업단지 2B 1L
29269 대지철강(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 산업용로봇및부품 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로3길 62-14, (5차첨단산업단지 14B 4L)
29270 동서기계 성서5차첨단산업단지 수치제어공작기계부품 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 174, (성서5차첨단산업단지 2B 6L)
29271 동흥플라텍 성서5차첨단산업단지 리테이너 외 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 91, (5차단지 5B 6L)
29272 드림아고라(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 plc제어반, 자동화기계 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로8길 40, 5차단지 32B 3L
29273 디에이치정밀(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 반도체제조용기계부품,정밀기계부품 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 129, A동
29274 로테스 성서5차첨단산업단지 제조및용접용 로봇 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 116-3, 5차단지 2B 2L
29275 명성티엔에스(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 산업기계(분리막설비) 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로2길 66, 성서5차첨단산업단지 35B 2L
29276 묘력전기(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 자동제어반,프로세스제어반 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로3길 28, 성서5차첨단산업단지 14B 11L
29277 보강정밀 성서5차첨단산업단지 프레스용금형,자동차부품 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로7길 17-34, 성서5차단지 14B 8L
29278 본테크 성서5차첨단산업단지 평판디스플레이 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로3길 62-8, (5차첨단산업단지 14B 2L)
29279 부경정공 성서5차첨단산업단지 자동차금형부품 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천리 1674-10번지 (성서5차산업단지내 14B 10L)
29280 삼보모터스(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 클러치플레이트류 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로3길 111, (성서5차산업단지내 2B 8L,9L)
29281 삼일산업 성서5차첨단산업단지 주형 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 127, 성서5차산업단지내 1B 3L
29282 상신이엔지(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 자동화기계 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 100, (성서5차산업단지내 6B 8L)
29283 성림철강산업(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 커플링,원곡앙카 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 173, 성서5차산업단지 3B 1L
29284 세광공업(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 터보압축기,터빈발전부분 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천리 1673-5번지 (성서5차산업단지내 13B 5L)
29285 신성에스앤티(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 산업용부품레이져가공 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로3길 10, 성서5차산업단지 20B 1L
29286 신우이엔지 성서5차첨단산업단지 LCD STOCKER SYSTEM 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 76-3, 성서5차산업단지내 6B 6L)
29287 씨에스기계(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 유압기기 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로7길 43, 성서5차첨단산업단지 8B 1L
29288 씨티에스(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 LCD,PDP생산용초음파 건식세정기 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천리 1674-7번지 (성서5차산업단지내 14B 7L)
29289 아주철강산업(주)세천공장 성서5차첨단산업단지 언코일러 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천리 1673-8번지 성서5차산업단지 13B 8L
29290 에스에스엘엠(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 2차전지 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로2길 1, 성서5차첨단산업단지 26B 1L
29291 에이스이노텍(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 창호용 주형및금형 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 12, (성서5차산업단지내 19B 4L)
29292 에이스정밀 성서5차첨단산업단지 금형 주형 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 20-8, (성서5차산업단지내 19B 5L)
29293 에이티(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 진공증착장비 외 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로3길 85, 성서5차산업단지 2B 10L
29294 에인에이(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 개인용조합자극기 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 119, 성서5차산업단지내 1B 14L
29295 영일아이씨티(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 자동화기계, plc제어반 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로8길 40, 5차단지 32B 3L
29296 영일엔지니어링(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 자동화기계 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로8길 40, 성서5차첨단산업단지 32B 3L
29297 오로라라이트뱅크 성서5차첨단산업단지 방송용조명장치 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로3길 123, 성서5차단지 3B 4L
29298 와이제이링크(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 인쇄회로기판자동공급장치 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 129, (성서5차산업단지내 1B 4L)
29299 와이제이링크(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 자동화장비,SMT장비 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로1길 110, 성서5차첨단산업단지 6B 9L
29300 우성에스이(주) 성서5차첨단산업단지 축전지 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍 세천로3길 28, 성서5차단지 14B 11L

Num. Company Name Complex Product Factory address
29251 Jinyang Precision Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex mold 23B 2L, 5th high -tech industrial complex in Seocheon -ro 4 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu
29252 Cobic Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Vacuum coating 149, Secheon -ro 1 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu
29253 Taechang Metal Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Model 111 Seocheon -ro 1 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu, 5B 2L
29254 Tea Solvibility Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex LED lamp 17-22, Secheon-ro 7-gil, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, 15B 4L
29255 Peace Valleo Secheon Plant Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Double Clutch 160, Secheon -ro 1 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu, 5L 5L
29256 Hannam Lighting Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Street lamps, lighting equipment, etc. 143, Secheon -ro 1 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu, (1B 6L in Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex)
29257 Hanseo Meeting Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex W. switchboard 116-2, Secheon-ro 1-gil, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, 6B 1L in Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex (6B 1L in Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex)
29258 Hae -su C & C Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex High -strength cold extrusion products 76-16, Secheon-ro 1-gil, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu
29259 Hyerin Machine Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Heavy industry parts processing 174, Secheon -ro 1 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu, (2B 6L in Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex)
29260 Hongsan Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex ATC (Drum Magazine, Radal Piston Motor) 173, 5 -round 3b 1L, Seocheon -ro 1 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu
29261 Martian Steel Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Steel cutting, machine parts 20-8, Seocheon-ro 1-gil, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu Metropolitan City
29262 Gunil Industrial Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Bolt and others 56, Seocheon -ro 3 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu, (1L of 14B of Seongseo 5 Steam)
29263 Kyungdong Industrial Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Engine oil screen device 76-8, Secheon-ro 1-gil, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu Metropolitan City
29264 Guangdong machine Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Dyeing machine 62-10, Secheon-ro 3-gil, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, (14B 3L in Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex)
29265 Gumi A Tech Solution Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Mold precision parts 77, Secheon -ro 3 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu, 6B 3L in Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex
29266 Netech Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Mold 99, Seocheon -ro 1 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu, 5B 4L in Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex
29267 Daekyung Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Trot 147, Secheon-ro 1-gil, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, (1662-4, Seocheon-ri, and 1B 13L of the 5th high-tech industrial complex in Seongseo)
29268 Daea industry Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Festival 120 Seocheon -ro 1 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu, 2B 1L
29269 Earth Steel Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Industrial robots and parts 62-14, Seocheon-ro 3-gil, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, (14B 4L of 5th high industrial complex)
29270 East -west machine Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Numerical control machine tool part 174, Seocheon -ro 1 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu, (2B 6L of Seongseo 5th High -tech Industrial Complex)
29271 Dongheung Platech Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Retainer and other 91, Seocheon -ro 1 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu, (5 B 6L)
29272 Dream Agora Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex PLC control panel, automation machine 40, 32B 3L, Seocheon -ro 8 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu
29273 DACICE Precision Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Machine parts for the semiconductor system, precision machine parts 129, A -dong, Secheon -ro 1 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu
29274 Rotes Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Manufacturing and inherited robot 116-3, Seocheon-ro 1-gil, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, 2B 2L
29275 Myungseong T & S Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Industrial machinery (separation film equipment) 66 Seocheon -ro 2 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu, 35B 2L
29276 Graveyard Electric Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Automatic control panel, process control panel 28 Seocheon -ro 3 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu, and 14B 11L
29277 Reinforcement Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Press mold, auto parts 17-34, Secheon-ro 7-gil, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, 14B 8L
29278 This tech Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Flatboard display 62-8, Seocheon-ro 3-gil, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu Metropolitan City, 62-8
29279 Pukyongjeongong Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Automotive mold 1674-10, Secheon-ri, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu (14B 10L in Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex)
29280 Sambo Motors Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Clutch plates 111, Seocheon -ro 3 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu Metropolitan City (2B 8L, 9L in Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex)
29281 Samil Industry Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex template 127 Secheon -ro 1 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu, 1B 3L in the 5th Industrial Complex
29282 Sangsin ENG Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Automation 100, Secheon -ro 1 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu, (6B 8L in Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex)
29283 Seonglim Steel Industry Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Coupling, original song anka 173, Secheon -ro 1 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu Metropolitan City, 3B 1L
29284 Segwang Industrial Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Turbo compressor, turbine power generation part 1673-5, Secheon-ri, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu (13B 5L in Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex)
29285 Shinseong S & T Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Industrial parts laser processing 10B of 20B of Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex
29286 Shinwoo ENG Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex LCD Stocker System 76-3, Secheon-ro 1-gil, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, 6B 6L in the 5th Industrial Complex of Seongseo)
29287 CS Machine Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Hydraulic 43 Seocheon -ro 7 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu, 8B of 5th high -tech industrial complex
29288 CitiS Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex LCD, PDP production ultrasound dry cleaner 1674-7 Secheon-ri, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu (14B 7L in Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex)
29289 Aju Steel Industry Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Unco 13B 8L, Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex, 1673-8, Secheon-ri, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu
29290 SLM Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Secondary battery 1L of Seocheon -ro 2 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu Metropolitan City, and 26B 1L
29291 Ace Innotek Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Miles and molds for windows 12, Secheon -ro 1 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu Metropolitan City (19B 4L in Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex)
29292 Ace precision Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Mold 20-8, Seocheon-ro 1-gil, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu Metropolitan City (19B 5L in Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex)
29293 AT Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Vacuum deposition equipment other than 85, Secheon -ro 3 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu Metropolitan City, 10L
29294 Ain A (Co., Ltd.) Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Personal union stimulator 119 Seocheon -ro 1 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu, 1B 14L in Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex
29295 Yeongil ICT Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Automation machine, PLC control panel 40, 32B 3L, Seocheon -ro 8 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu
29296 Yeongil Engineering Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Automation 40, Secheon -ro 8 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu, 32B 3L
29297 Aurora Light Bank Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Broadcasting lighting device 123, Secheon -ro 3 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu
29298 Wije Link Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Print circuit board automatic supply device 129, Secheon -ro 1 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu, (1B 4L in Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex)
29299 Wije Link Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Automation equipment, SMT equipment 110 Seocheon -ro 1 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu Metropolitan City, 6B 9L
29300 Woosung Si Co., Ltd. Bible 5th high -tech industrial complex Battleship 28 Seocheon -ro 3 -gil, Dasa -eup, Dalseong -gun, Daegu, and Seongseo 5 -step 14B 11L

番号 会社名 複雑 製品 工場住所
29251 Jinyang Precision Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 23b 2L、5th High -Tech Industrial Complex in Seocheon -Ro 4 -Gil、Dasa -Eup、Dalseong -Gun、Daegu
29252 Cobic Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 真空コーティング 149、secheon -ro 1 -gil、dasa -eup、dalseong -gun、daegu
29253 Taechang Metal Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex モデル 111 Seocheon -Ro 1 -Gil、Dasa -Eup、Dalseong -Gun、Daegu、5b 2L
29254 Tea Solvibility Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex LEDランプ 17-22、Secheon-ro 7-gil、Dasa-eup、Dalseong-gun、Daegu、15b 4l
29255 Peace Valleo Secheon Plant Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex ダブルクラッチ 160、secheon -ro 1 -gil、dasa -eup、dalseong -gun、daegu、5l 5l
29256 Hannam Lighting Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 街灯、照明機器など 143、secheon -ro 1 -gil、dasa -eup、dalseong -gun、daegu、(Seongseo 5th Industrial Complexの1b 6l)
29257 Hanseo Meeting Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex W.配電盤 116-2、Secheon-Ro 1-gil、Dasa-Eup、Dalseong-Gun、Daegu、6b 1L Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex(6b 1L in Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex)
29258 HAE -SU C&C 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 高強度のコールド押出製品 76-16、Secheon-Ro 1-gil、Dasa-Eup、Dalseong-Gun、Daegu
29259 Hyerin Machine Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 重工業部品処理 174、secheon -ro 1 -gil、dasa -eup、dalseong -gun、daegu、(2b 6l in seongseo 5th Industrial Complex)
29260 Hongsan Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex ATC(ドラムマガジン、ラダルピストンモーター) 173、5 -Round 3B 1L、Seocheon -Ro 1 -Gil、Dasa -Eup、Dalseong -Gun、Daegu
29261 Martian Steel Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 鋼切断、機械部品 20-8、Seocheon-Ro 1-gil、Dasa-Eup、Dalseong-Gun、Daegu Metropolitan City
29262 Gunil Industrial Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex ボルトなど 56、Seocheon -Ro 3 -Gil、Dasa -Eup、Dalseong -gun、Daegu、(Seongseo 5 Steamの14Bの1L)
29263 Kyungdong Industrial Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex エンジンオイルスクリーンデバイス 76-8、Secheon-Ro 1-gil、Dasa-Eup、Dalseong-Gun、Daegu Metropolitan City
29264 広東機 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 染色機 62-10、Secheon-Ro 3-gil、Dasa-Eup、Dalseong-Gun、Daegu、(Seongseo 5th Industrial Complexの14b 3L)
29265 Gumi A Tech Solution Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 金型精度部品 77、secheon -ro 3 -gil、dasa -eup、dalseong -gun、daegu、6b 3l in seongseo 5th Industrial Complex
29266 Netech Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 99、Seocheon -Ro 1 -Gil、Dasa -Eup、Dalseong -Gun、Daegu、5b 4L in Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex
29267 大皮 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex トロット 147、Secheon-ro 1-gil、Dasa-eup、Dalseong-gun、Daegu、(1662-4、Seocheon-ri、およびSeongseoの5番目のハイテク工業団地の1b 13L)
29268 DAEA産業 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex フェスティバル 120 Seocheon -Ro 1 -Gil、Dasa -Eup、Dalseong -Gun、Daegu、2b 1L
29269 Earth Steel Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 産業用ロボットと部品 62-14、Seocheon-ro 3-gil、Dasa-eup、Dalseong-gun、Daegu、(5th High High Industrial Complexの14B 4L)
29270 East -Westマシン 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 数値制御工作機械部品 174、Seocheon -Ro 1 -Gil、Dasa -Eup、Dalseong -Gun、Daegu、(Seongseo 5th High -Tech Industrial Complexの2B 6L)
29271 Dongheung Platech 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex リテーナーおよびその他 91、Seocheon -Ro 1 -Gil、Dasa -Eup、Dalseong -Gun、Daegu、(5 B 6L)
29272 Dream Agora Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex PLCコントロールパネル、自動化機 40、32b 3L、Seocheon -ro 8 -gil、dasa -eup、dalseong -gun、daegu
29273 Dacice Precision Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 半導体システム用の機械部品、精密機械部品 129、-dong、secheon -ro 1 -gil、dasa -eup、dalseong -gun、daegu
29274 ROTES 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 製造および継承ロボット 116-3、Seocheon-Ro 1-gil、Dasa-Eup、Dalseong-Gun、Daegu、2b 2L
29275 Myungseong T&S Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 産業機械(分離フィルム機器) 66 Seocheon -Ro 2 -Gil、Dasa -Eup、Dalseong -Gun、Daegu、35b 2L
29276 Graveyard Electric Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 自動コントロールパネル、プロセスコントロールパネル 28 Seocheon -Ro 3 -Gil、Dasa -Eup、Dalseong -gun、Daegu、および14b 11l
29277 強化 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex プレス金型、自動部品 17-34、Secheon-ro 7-gil、Dasa-eup、Dalseong-gun、Daegu、14b 8l
29278 この技術 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex フラットボードディスプレイ 62-8、Seocheon-ro 3-gil、Dasa-eup、Dalseong-gun、Daegu Metropolitan City、62-8
29279 Pukyongjeongong 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 自動車型 1674-10、Secheon-RI、Dasa-Eup、Dalseong-Gun、Daegu(Seongseo 5th Industrial Complexの14b 10l)
29280 Sambo Motors Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex クラッチプレート 111、Seocheon -Ro 3 -Gil、Dasa -Eup、Dalseong -Gun、Daegu Metropolitan City(2b 8L、9LのSeongseo 5th Industrial Complex)
29281 サミル産業 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex レンプレート 127 Secheon -Ro 1 -Gil、Dasa -Eup、Dalseong -Gun、Daegu、1B 3L 5th Industrial Complex
29282 Sangsin Eng Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex オートメーション 100、secheon -ro 1 -gil、dasa -eup、dalseong -gun、daegu、(6b 8l in Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex)
29283 Seonglim Steel Industry Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex カップリング、オリジナルの歌Anka 173、Secheon -Ro 1 -Gil、Dasa -Eup、Dalseong -Gun、Daegu Metropolitan City、3B 1L
29284 Segwang Industrial Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex ターボコンプレッサー、タービン発電部 1673-5、Secheon-RI、Dasa-Eup、Dalseong-Gun、Daegu(Seongseo 5th Industrial Complexの13b 5L)
29285 Shinseong S&T Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 工業部品レーザー処理 Seongseo 5th Industrial Complexの20bの10b
29286 Shinwoo Eng 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex LCDストッカーシステム 76-3、Secheon-Ro 1-gil、Dasa-eup、Dalseong-Gun、Daegu、6b 6L Seongseoの第5産業複合施設)
29287 CS Machine Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 油圧 43 Seocheon -Ro 7 -Gil、Dasa -Eup、Dalseong -Gun、Daegu、5th High -Tech Industrial Complexの8B
29288 Citis Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex LCD、PDP生産超音波乾燥クリーナー 1674-7 Secheon-RI、Dasa-Eup、Dalseong-Gun、Daegu(Seongseo 5th Industrial Complexの14b 7L)
29289 Aju Steel Industry Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex unco 13B 8L、Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex、1673-8、Secheon-RI、Dasa-Eup、Dalseong-Gun、Daegu
29290 Slm Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex セカンダリバッテリー Seocheon -Ro 2 -Gil、Dasa -Eup、Dalseong -Gun、Daegu Metropolitan City、26b 1Lの1L
29291 Ace Innotek Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 窓用のマイルと金型 12、Secheon -ro 1 -Gil、Dasa -Eup、Dalseong -Gun、Daegu Metropolitan City(Seongseo 5th Industrial Complexの19b 4L)
29292 エースの精度 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 20-8、Seocheon-Ro 1-gil、Dasa-Eup、Dalseong-Gun、Daegu Metropolitan City(Seongseo 5th Industrial Complexの19b 5L)
29293 Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 以外の真空堆積装置 85、Secheon -Ro 3 -Gil、Dasa -Eup、Dalseong -Gun、Daegu Metropolitan City、10L
29294 ain A(Co.、Ltd。) 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 個人組合刺激装置 119 Seocheon -Ro 1 -Gil、Dasa -Eup、Dalseong -Gun、Daegu、1b 14L Seongseo 5th Industrial Complex
29295 Yeongil ICT Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex オートメーションマシン、PLCコントロールパネル 40、32b 3L、Seocheon -ro 8 -gil、dasa -eup、dalseong -gun、daegu
29296 Yeongil Engineering Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex オートメーション 40、secheon -ro 8 -gil、dasa -eup、dalseong -gun、daegu、32b 3l
29297 オーロラライトバンク 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 照明デバイスをブロードキャストします 123、secheon -ro 3 -gil、dasa -eup、dalseong -gun、daegu
29298 Wije Link Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex プリント回路基板自動供給デバイス 129、secheon -ro 1 -gil、dasa -eup、dalseong -gun、daegu、(1b 4l in seongseo 5th Industrial Complex)
29299 Wije Link Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 自動化機器、SMT機器 110 Seocheon -Ro 1 -Gil、Dasa -Eup、Dalseong -Gun、Daegu Metropolitan City、6b 9L
29300 Woosung SI Co.、Ltd。 聖書5th High -Tech Industrial Complex 戦艦 28 Seocheon -Ro 3 -Gil、Dasa -Eup、Dalseong -Gun、Daegu、およびSeongseo 5 -step 14b 11l
