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전국 공장 목록, List of factories in Korea, 韓国全国工場一覧 (3941)

by xpsnate 2023. 5. 17.

순번 회사명 단지명 생산품 공장주소
138801 중오 천안제3지방산업단지 광학기기, 전기가변장치 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 M동 318호 (백석동)
138802 지앤비솔루션(주) 천안백석농공단지 탈취제 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단4길 15, 3동 1층 (백석동)
138803 지엔에스티(주) 천안백석농공단지 자동차용음성인식마이크모듈 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 34 (백석동) (총 2 필지)
138804 채움푸드 천안백석농공단지 도시락 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단4길 8 (백석동)
138805 청실홍실 천안백석농공단지 과자류 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단3길 66 (백석동, (주)대명)
138806 충청정보통신(주) 천안백석농공단지 LED교통신호등, 교통신호제어기 충청남도 천안시서북구 백석동 555-56번지
138807 코리아팩 천안백석농공단지 화장품 충청남도 천안시서북구 백석동 555-51번지
138808 코바테크(주) 천안제3지방산업단지 배전반제작/소프트웨어개발및공급 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 M동 327호 (백석동)
138809 코윈텍 천안백석농공단지 자동화설비 충청남도 천안시서북구 백석동 555-39번지 백석농공단지내
138810 큐씨레이져 천안백석농공단지 철제박스 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 69 (백석동)
138811 태광산업 천안제3지방산업단지 PCB제조용 부품 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 M동 B107호, A동 702호 (백석동)
138812 태현테크 천안백석농공단지 금형부품 충청남도 천안시서북구 백석동 555-30번지
138813 태현테크놀로지 천안백석농공단지 반도체장비부품 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단6길 7 (백석동, (주)태현테크놀로지)
138814 테라원테크 천안제3지방산업단지 광학부품 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 B동 901호 (백석동)
138815 테오메인 천안제3지방산업단지 자동제어설비,PLC프로그램, 검사기 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 A동 611,612호 (백석동)
138816 티씨씨(주) 천안외국인투자지역 LCD 광학필름 충청남도 천안시 서북구 3공단2로 22 (백석동, (주)다모텍)
138817 티앤테크 천안제3지방산업단지 PCB제조용 부품 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 M동 B106호 (백석동)
138818 파워테크(주) 천안백석농공단지 배전반,자동제어반 등 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 70 (백석동)
138819 퍼펙트 천안백석농공단지 자동차부품 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단4길 12, 1동 1층 (백석동, 신화공업)
138820 평택명판천안 천안제3지방산업단지 측정용 눈금자 외 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 M동 B119 (백석동)

Num Company Name Complex Product Factory address
138801 Middle -aged Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex Optical device, electric variable device Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 10, Cheonan Mirae Ace Hi -Tech City M -dong 318 (Baekseok -dong)
138802 G & B Solution Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex deodorant Baekseok Industrial Complex 4 -gil, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 15, 3 -dong (Baekseok -dong)
138803 GNST Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Voice recognition microphone module for automobiles Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro 34 (Baekseok -dong) (2 parcels)
138804 Filled food Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex lunch box Baekseok Industrial Complex 4 -gil, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do (Baekseok -dong)
138805 Cheongsil Hongsil Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex confectionery 66, Baekseok Industrial Complex 3 -gil, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do (Baekseok -dong, Daemyung)
138806 Chungcheong Information and Communication Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex LED traffic signal light, traffic renal control 555-56, Baekseok-dong, Buk-gu, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do
138807 Korea Pack Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex cosmetics 555-51, Baekseok-dong, Buk-gu, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do
138808 Kobatech Co., Ltd. Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex Distribution half production/software development and supply Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 10 Cheonan Mirae Ace Hi -Tech City M -dong 327 (Baekseok -dong)
138809 Corwin Tech Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Automation In the Baekseok Agricultural Complex, 555-39, Baekseok-dong, Buk-gu, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do
138810 Cue Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Steel box 69 (Baekseok -dong), Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do
138811 Taekwang Industrial Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex PCB manufacturing parts Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 10, Cheonan Mirae Ace Hi -Tech City M -dong B107, A -dong 702 (Baekseok -dong)
138812 Taehyun Tech Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Mold parts 555-30, Baekseok-dong, Buk-gu, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do
138813 Taehyun Technology Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Semiconductor equipment Baekseok Industrial Complex 6 -gil, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do (Baekseok -dong, Taehyeon Technology)
138814 Terra One Tech Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex Optical parts Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 101 Cheonan Mirae Ace Hi -Tech City B 901 (Baekseok -dong)
138815 Teomain Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex Automatic control plant, PLC program, inspector Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro 10 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 611,612 (Baekseok -dong)
138816 Mr. Ti Co., Ltd. Cheonan Foreign Investment Area LCD optical film 22 -ro 2 -ro 2 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do (Baekseok -dong, Damotec Co., Ltd.)
138817 T & Tech Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex PCB manufacturing parts Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 10, Cheonan Future Ace Hi -Tech City M -dong B106 (Baekseok -dong)
138818 Power Tech Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Switchboard, automatic control panel, etc. Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro 70 (Baekseok -dong)
138819 perfect Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Automotive Parts 1st floor, 12, 1 -dong, Baekseok Industrial Complex 4 -gil, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do (Baekseok -dong, Shinhwa Industrial)
138820 Pyeongtaek nameplate Cheonan Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex Measurement scale and other Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 10 Cheonan Mirae Ace Hi -Tech City M -dong B119 (Baekseok -dong)

番号 会社名 複雑 製品 工場住所
138801 中年 Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 光学装置、電気変数デバイス Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、10、Cheonan Mirae ace hi -tech city m -dong 318(baekseok -dong)
138802 G&B Solution Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex デオドラント Baekseok Industrial Complex 4 -Gil、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、15、3 -dong(Baekseok -dong)
138803 Gnst Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 自動車用の音声認識マイクモジュール Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro 34(Baekseok -dong)(2個の区画)
138804 満たされた食べ物 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 弁当箱 Baekseok Industrial Complex 4 -Gil、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do(Baekseok -dong)
138805 Cheongsil Hongsil Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 菓子 66、Baekseok Industrial Complex 3 -gil、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do(Baekseok -dong、Daemyung)
138806 Chungcheong Information And Communication Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 導かれた交通信号灯、交通腎制御 555-56、Baekseok-Dong、Buk-Gu、Cheonan、Chungcheongnam-Do
138807 韓国パック Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 化粧品 555-51、Baekseok-Dong、Buk-Gu、Cheonan、Chungcheongnam-Do
138808 Kobatech Co.、Ltd。 Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 流通半生産/ソフトウェア開発と供給 Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、10 Cheonan Mirae Ace Hi -Tech City M -Dong 327(Baekseok -dong)
138809 Corwin Tech Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex オートメーション Baekseok Agricultural Complex、555-39、Baekseok-Dong、Buk-Gu、Chungcheongnam-Do
138810 合図 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex スチールボックス 69(Baekseok -dong)、Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do
138811 テクワン工業 Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 PCB製造部品 Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、10、Cheonan Mirae ace hi -tech City M -dong B107、A -dong 702(Baekseok -dong)
138812 Taehyun Tech Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 金型部品 555-30、Baekseok-Dong、Buk-Gu、Cheonan、Chungcheongnam-Do
138813 テヒョンテクノロジー Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 半導体機器 Baekseok Industrial Complex 6 -Gil、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -Do(Baekseok -Dong、Taehyeon Technology)
138814 Terra One Tech Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 光学部品 Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、101 Cheonan Mirae ace Hi -Tech City B 901(Baekseok -dong)
138815 テオメイン Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 自動制御プラント、PLCプログラム、検査官 Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro 10 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -Do、611,612(Baekseok -dong)
138816 Ti Co.、Ltd。 チョナン外国投資エリア LCD光フィルム 22 -ro 2 -ro 2 -ro、seobuk -gu、cheonan -si、chungcheongnam -do(baekseok -dong、damotec Co.、Ltd。)
138817 T&Tech Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 PCB製造部品 Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、10、Cheonan Future ace Hi -Tech City M -dong B106(Baekseok -dong)
138818 Power Tech Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 配電盤、自動コントロールパネルなど Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro 70(Baekseok -Dong)
138819 完全 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 自動車部品 1階、12、1-ドン、Baekseok Industrial Complex 4 -Gil、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do(Baekseok -dong、Shinhwa Industrial)
138820 Pyeongtaek Nameplate Cheonan Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 測定スケールおよびその他 Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、10 Cheonan Mirae Ace Hi -Tech City M -Dong B119(Baekseok -Dong)
