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전국 공장 목록, List of factories in Korea, 韓国全国工場一覧 (3940)

by xpsnate 2023. 5. 17.

순번 회사명 단지명 생산품 공장주소
138781 윈텍 천안백석농공단지 배전반, 자동제어기 충청남도 천안시서북구 백석동 555-23번지
138782 유원에이티에스 천안제3지방산업단지 산업공정용 자동제어밸브 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 A동 1008호 (백석동)
138783 유진테크 천안백석농공단지 bldc모터 등 충청남도 천안시서북구 백석동 555-23번지
138784 이에스산전(주) 천안백석농공단지 RFID Tag, Reader 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단3길 12 (백석동)
138785 이엠씨(주) 천안백석농공단지 반도체 부품 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단3길 34 (백석동)
138786 일오삼반도체(주) 천안백석농공단지 WF Tester 충청남도 천안시서북구 백석동 555-24번지
138787 자유락 천안백석농공단지 도시락 충청남도 천안시서북구 백석동 555-39번지
138788 재은정밀 천안제3지방산업단지 반도체제조용 정밀기기 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 M동 B120호 (백석동)
138789 재현오토텍 천안제3지방산업단지 전기판넬 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 M동 403호 (백석동)
138790 정광판금 천안백석농공단지 반도체장비 후렘 및 철재케이스 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 69 (백석동)
138791 조이텍 천안백석농공단지 금형부품 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 47 (백석동, (주)비젼테크놀로지)
138792 주식회사 광성테크 천안백석농공단지 반도체 엘시디 장비의 자동제어기기 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 70 (백석동)
138793 주식회사 남일 천안백석농공단지 축전지 외 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 58 (백석동)
138794 주식회사 디케이엘엔에이치 천안백석농공단지 시트봉제전자부품 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단4길 15, 1동 2층 (백석동)
138795 주식회사 라피끄 천안백석농공단지 화장품 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단3길 12 (백석동)
138796 주식회사 루브필코리아 천안백석농공단지 윤할유 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단6길 36, 2동 1층 (백석동)
138797 주식회사 에스아이피 천안제3지방산업단지 스마트센서 등 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 A동 1012호 (백석동)
138798 주식회사 에스에프에이반도체 천안백석농공단지 반도체I.C 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단7로 16 (백석동)
138799 주식회사 이지테크 천안백석농공단지 배전반 및 전기 자동제어반 제조업 외 4종 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단3길 36 (백석동)
138800 주식회사 제원 천안백석농공단지 금속구조물, 산업용자동화장비 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석동 555-90번지

Num Company Name Complex Product Factory address
138781 Wintech Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Switchboard, automatic controller 555-23, Baekseok-dong, Buk-gu, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do
138782 Amusement ATS Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex Automatic control valve for industrial process Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 108 Cheonan Mirae Ace Hi -Tech City A 1008 (Baekseok -dong)
138783 Eugene Tech Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex BLDC motor, etc. 555-23, Baekseok-dong, Buk-gu, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do
138784 ISIS Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex RFID TAG, Reader Baekseok Industrial Complex 3 -gil, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do (Baekseok -dong)
138785 EMC Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Semiconductor parts 34, Baekseok Industrial Complex 3 -gil, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do (Baekseok -dong)
138786 Ilosam Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex WF TESTER 555-24, Baekseok-dong, Buk-gu, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do
138787 Freedom Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex lunch box 555-39, Baekseok-dong, Buk-gu, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do
138788 Jae Eun Precision Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex Precision device for the semiconductor system Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 10 Cheonan Mirae Ace Hi -Tech City M -dong B120 (Baekseok -dong)
138789 Reproduction Autotech Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex Electric panel Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 10, Cheonan Future Ace Hi -Tech City M -dong 403 (Baekseok -dong)
138790 Jeonggwang Igum Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Semiconductor Equipment Furem and Steel Case 69 (Baekseok -dong), Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do
138791 Joytec Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Mold parts Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro 47 (Baekseok -dong, Vision Technology Co., Ltd.)
138792 Gwangseong Tech Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Automatic controller of semiconductor Elsidi equipment Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro 70 (Baekseok -dong)
138793 Namil Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Battery and other Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro 58 (Baekseok -dong)
138794 DK L & H Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Seat sewing electronic components Baekseok Industrial Complex 4 -gil, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 15 and 1 -dong (Baekseok -dong)
138795 La Picke Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex cosmetics Baekseok Industrial Complex 3 -gil, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do (Baekseok -dong)
138796 Louvil Korea Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Yun Halyu 36, 2 -dong, Baekseok Industrial Complex 6 -gil, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do (Baekseok -dong)
138797 S -IP Co., Ltd. Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex Smart sensor, etc. Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 1012 (Baekseok -dong)
138798 SFA semiconductor Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Semiconductor I.C Baekseok Industrial Complex 7 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do (Baekseok -dong)
138799 Easy Tech Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 1 switchboard and electric automatic control panel manufacturing industry and 4 species 36, Baekseok Industrial Complex 3 -gil, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do (Baekseok -dong)
138800 Corporation Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Metal structure, industrial automation equipment 555-90, Baekseok-dong, Seobuk-gu, Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do

番号 会社名 複雑 製品 工場住所
138781 ウィンテック Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 配電盤、自動コントローラー 555-23、Baekseok-Dong、Buk-Gu、Cheonan、Chungcheongnam-Do
138782 アミューズメントATS Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 産業プロセス用の自動制御バルブ Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、108 Cheonan Mirae ace Hi -Tech City A 1008(Baekseok -dong)
138783 ユージン技術 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex BLDCモーターなど 555-23、Baekseok-Dong、Buk-Gu、Cheonan、Chungcheongnam-Do
138784 ISIS Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex RFIDタグ、リーダー Baekseok Industrial Complex 3 -Gil、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do(Baekseok -dong)
138785 EMC Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 半導体部品 34、Baekseok Industrial Complex 3 -Gil、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do(Baekseok -dong)
138786 Ilosam Semiconductor Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex WFテスター 555-24、Baekseok-Dong、Buk-Gu、Cheonan、Chungcheongnam-Do
138787 フリーダム Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 弁当箱 555-39、Baekseok-Dong、Buk-Gu、Cheonan、Chungcheongnam-Do
138788 ジェ・ウンの精度 Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 半導体システム用の精密デバイス Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、10 Cheonan Mirae Ace Hi -Tech City M -Dong B120(Baekseok -Dong)
138789 Reproduction Autotech Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 電動パネル Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、10、Cheonan Future ace Hi -Tech City M -Dong 403(Baekseok -dong)
138790 ヨングワン・イグム Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 半導体機器の毛皮と鋼鉄のケース 69(Baekseok -dong)、Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do
138791 Joytec Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 金型部品 Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro 47(Baekseok -Dong、Vision Technology Co.、Ltd。)
138792 Gwangseong Tech Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 半導体エルシディ機器の自動コントローラー Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro 70(Baekseok -Dong)
138793 Namil Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex バッテリーおよびその他 Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro 58(Baekseok -Dong)
138794 Dk L&H Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex シート縫製電子コンポーネント Baekseok Industrial Complex 4 -Gil、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、15および1 -Dong(Baekseok -dong)
138795 La Picke Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 化粧品 Baekseok Industrial Complex 3 -Gil、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do(Baekseok -dong)
138796 Louvil Korea Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex ユン・ハリュー 36、2 -Dong、Baekseok Industrial Complex 6 -Gil、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do(Baekseok -dong)
138797 S -IP Co.、Ltd。 Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 スマートセンサーなど Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、1012(Baekseok -dong)
138798 SFA Semiconductor Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 半導体I.C Baekseok Industrial Complex 7 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do(Baekseok -dong)
138799 Easy Tech Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 1つの配電盤と電気自動コントロールパネル製造業と4種 36、Baekseok Industrial Complex 3 -Gil、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do(Baekseok -dong)
138800 株式会社 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 金属構造、産業自動化機器 555-90、Baekseok-Dong、Seobuk-gu、Cheonan-Si、Chungcheongnam-Do
