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전국 공장 목록, List of factories in Korea, 韓国全国工場一覧 (3938)

by xpsnate 2023. 5. 17.

순번 회사명 단지명 생산품 공장주소
138741 미래산업(주) 천안제3지방산업단지 반도체장비(smt) 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단7로 65 (백석동, 미래산업(주))
138742 방주에너지 천안백석농공단지 공수냉식냉동기, 열회수기 충청남도 천안시서북구 백석동 555-31 번지
138743 브이테크놀로지코리아(주) 천안외국인투자지역 LCD, PDP 및 BGA, Wafer 충청남도 천안시서북구 백석동 718번지
138744 비엔케이(주) 천안백석농공단지 부직포 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 91 (백석동, BNK(주)) (총 2 필지)
138745 비케이이엔티(주) 천안백석농공단지 반도체IC 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단7로 16 (백석동)
138746 삼원콘트롤 천안제3지방산업단지 배전반 등 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 A동 902호 (백석동)
138747 삼익에프앤티(주) 천안제3지방산업단지 반도체검사장비부품 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 M동 305,307호 (백석동)
138748 삼익에프에이(주) 천안제3지방산업단지 자동화장비 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 B동 701호 (백석동)
138749 삼진공업(주) 천안백석농공단지 수중펌프, 수중모타,수중폭기기 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 55, (백석농공단지내) (백석동)
138750 삼진엘텍 천안제3지방산업단지 IC SOCKET 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 B동 708호 (백석동)
138751 삼화기전(주) 천안백석농공단지 전선보호관 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 80 (백석동, 삼화기전(주))
138752 상상기술(주) 천안백석농공단지 PCM 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단4길 12, 1동2층 (백석동)
138753 석화제약 천안백석농공단지 의약외품 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 70 (백석동)
138754 성호테크 천안제3지방산업단지 배전반 및 자동제어반 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 M동 B129,130호 (백석동)
138755 스테코(주) 천안외국인투자지역 TAB, BGA 충청남도 천안시서북구 백석동 741번지
138756 스테코(주) 2공장 천안외국인투자지역 Gold Bump 충청남도 천안시 서북구 3공단2로 13 (백석동)
138757 시온테크 천안제3지방산업단지 전원공급기 외 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 M동 340호 (백석동)
138758 신영(주) 천안제3지방산업단지 배터리감시장치 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단1로 10, 천안미래에이스하이테크시티 A동 608호 (백석동)
138759 신진제어시스템 천안백석농공단지 배전반 충청남도 천안시서북구 백석동 555-31번지
138760 신화공업 천안백석농공단지 전화기케이스, 휴대폰배터리케이스 등 플라스틱 제품 충청남도 천안시 서북구 백석공단4길 12 (백석동, 신화공업)

Num Company Name Complex Product Factory address
138741 Future Industry Co., Ltd. Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex Semiconductor equipment (SMT) 65 -ro, Baekseok Industrial Complex, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do (Baekseok -dong, Future Industry Co., Ltd.)
138742 Ark energy Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Airborne Cold Cold Inner, Heat Regression 555-31, Baekseok-dong, Buk-gu, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do
138743 V Technology Korea Co., Ltd. Cheonan Foreign Investment Area LCD, PDP and BGA, WAFER 718, Baekseok -dong, Buk -gu, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam -do
138744 BNK () Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Non-woven 91 (Baekseok -dong, BNK Co., Ltd.) (2 parcels) (2 parcels)
138745 BK ENT Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Semiconductor IC Baekseok Industrial Complex 7 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do (Baekseok -dong)
138746 Samwon Control Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex Switchboard Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 102 Cheonan Mirae Ace Hi -Tech City A -dong 902 (Baekseok -dong)
138747 Samik F & T Co., Ltd. Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex Semiconductor Inspection Head Non -part Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro 10 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 305,307 (Baekseok -dong)
138748 Samik FA Co., Ltd. Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex automation system Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 101, Cheonan Future Ace Hi -Tech City B 701 (Baekseok -dong)
138749 Samjin Industrial Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Underwater pump, underwater motor, underwater aeration Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 55 (in Baekseok Agricultural Complex) (Baekseok -dong)
138750 Samjin Eltec Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex IC SOCKET Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 108, Cheonan Future Ace Hi -Tech City B 708 (Baekseok -dong)
138751 Samhwa Mechanism Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Cable Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro 80 (Baekseok -dong, Samhwa Gi Exhibition), Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do
138752 Imagination Technology Co., Ltd. Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex PCM 2F, 2F, Baekseok Industrial Complex 4 -gil, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do (Baekseok -dong)
138753 Petrification Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Quasi -drugs Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro 70 (Baekseok -dong)
138754 Seongho Tech Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex Switchboard and automatic control panel Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 10 Cheonan Future Ace Hi -Tech City M -dong B129,130 ​​(Baekseok -dong)
138755 Steko Co., Ltd. Cheonan Foreign Investment Area Tab, BGA 741, Baekseok -dong, Buk -gu, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam -do
138756 Steko Co., Ltd. 2 Factory Cheonan Foreign Investment Area GOLD BUMP 13, Seok -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 13 (Baekseok -dong)
138757 Zion Tech Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex Power supply and other Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 10, Cheonan Future Ace Hi -Tech City M -dong 340 (Baekseok -dong)
138758 Shinyoung Co., Ltd. Cheonanje 3 Regional Industrial Complex Battery Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -ro, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do, 608, Cheonan Future Ace Hi -Tech City A -dong (Baekseok -dong)
138759 Yumjin Control System Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex switchboard 555-31, Baekseok-dong, Buk-gu, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do
138760 Mythology Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex Plastic products such as telephone case, mobile phone battery case Baekseok Industrial Complex 4 -gil, Seobuk -gu, Cheonan -si, Chungcheongnam -do (Baekseok -dong, Shinhwa Industrial)

番号 会社名 複雑 製品 工場住所
138741 Future Industry Co.、Ltd。 Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 半導体機器(SMT) 65 -ro、Baekseok Industrial Complex、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -Do(Baekseok -Dong、Future Industry Co.、Ltd。)
138742 アークエネルギー Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 空中寒さの冷たい内側、熱回帰 555-31、Baekseok-Dong、Buk-Gu、Cheonan、Chungcheongnam-Do
138743 V Technology Korea Co.、Ltd。 チョナン外国投資エリア LCD、PDPおよびBGA、ウェーハ 718、Baekseok -Dong、Buk -Gu、Cheonan、Chungcheongnam -do
138744 bnk() Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 不織布 91(Baekseok -Dong、BNK Co.、Ltd。)(2個の区画)(2個の区画)
138745 Bk Ent Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 半導体IC Baekseok Industrial Complex 7 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do(Baekseok -dong)
138746 Samwon Control Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 配電盤 Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、102 Cheonan Mirae Ace Hi -Tech City A -dong 902(Baekseok -dong)
138747 Samik F&T Co.、Ltd。 Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 半導体検査ヘッド非パート Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro 10 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -Do、305,307(Baekseok -dong)
138748 Samik Fa Co.、Ltd。 Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 自動化システム Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、101、Cheonan Future ace Hi -Tech City B 701(Baekseok -dong)
138749 Samjin Industrial Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 水中ポンプ、水中モーター、水中曝気 Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、55(Baekseok Agricultural Complex)(Baekseok -dong)
138750 サミン・エルテック Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 ICソケット Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、108、Cheonan Future ace Hi -Tech City B 708(Baekseok -dong)
138751 Samhwa Mechanims Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex ケーブル Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro 80(Baekseok -Dong、Samhwa Gi展示会)、Seobuk -Gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do
138752 Imagination Technology Co.、Ltd。 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex PCM 2f、2f、Baekseok Industrial Complex 4 -gil、seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do(Baekseok -dong)
138753 石化 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex quasi -drugs Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro 70(Baekseok -Dong)
138754 Seongho Tech Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 配電盤と自動コントロールパネル Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、10 Cheonan Future ace hi -tech City m -dong B129,130​​(Baekseok -dong)
138755 Steko Co.、Ltd。 チョナン外国投資エリア タブ、BGA 741、Baekseok -Dong、Buk -Gu、Cheonan、Chungcheongnam -do
138756 Steko Co.、Ltd。2工場 チョナン外国投資エリア ゴールドバンプ 13、seok -gu、cheonan -si、chungcheongnam -do、13(baekseok -dong)
138757 Zion Tech Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 電源およびその他 Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、10、Cheonan Future ace hi -tech City m -dong 340(Baekseok -dong)
138758 Shinyoung Co.、Ltd。 Cheonanje 3地域産業施設 バッテリー Baekseok Industrial Complex 1 -Ro、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -do、608、Cheonan Future ace hi -tech City a -dong(baekseok -dong)
138759 Yumjin Control System Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 配電盤 555-31、Baekseok-Dong、Buk-Gu、Cheonan、Chungcheongnam-Do
138760 神話 Cheonan Baekseok Farming Complex 電話ケース、携帯電話のバッテリーケースなどのプラスチック製品 Baekseok Industrial Complex 4 -Gil、Seobuk -gu、Cheonan -si、Chungcheongnam -Do(Baekseok -dong、Shinhwa Industrial)
